How can I generate net classes graphically for assigning contraints
In the Virtuoso XL Layout using XL Probe there is no "Create Net Class"
option as described in the online help
I am trying to follow the instructions of the
Virtuoso Constraint Manager Known Problems and Solutions
PCR: 433771 Allow selection of multiple nets in the CM UI.
Description: The constraint manager user interface does not currently
allow the selection of multiple nets from the net-based constraint form.
Solution: To apply constraints to multiple nets, create a net class
first then apply constraints to the net class
Thanks for any help
How can I generate net classes graphically for assigning contraints
In the Virtuoso XL Layout using XL Probe there is no "Create Net Class"
option as described in the online help
I am trying to follow the instructions of the
Virtuoso Constraint Manager Known Problems and Solutions
PCR: 433771 Allow selection of multiple nets in the CM UI.
Description: The constraint manager user interface does not currently
allow the selection of multiple nets from the net-based constraint form.
Solution: To apply constraints to multiple nets, create a net class
first then apply constraints to the net class
Thanks for any help