Svenn Are Bjerkem
setting the default opening mode to read-only is a very clever way to
avoid doing accidental changes. This is the default mode in my setup.
This means that I have to actively set the view editable, which so far
is only via menu Design->make editable.
I modified the XXToccleSnapSpacing.il provided here and added a new
bindkey to my .cdsinit file:
procedure( XXToggleEditMode( wnd )
if( equal wnd~>cellView~>mode "r" )
;; then
schHiChangeEditMode( "a" )
;; else
schHiChangeEditMode( "r" )))
load( "~/work/skill/XXToggleEditMode.il" )
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "<Key>1"
setting the default opening mode to read-only is a very clever way to
avoid doing accidental changes. This is the default mode in my setup.
This means that I have to actively set the view editable, which so far
is only via menu Design->make editable.
I modified the XXToccleSnapSpacing.il provided here and added a new
bindkey to my .cdsinit file:
procedure( XXToggleEditMode( wnd )
if( equal wnd~>cellView~>mode "r" )
;; then
schHiChangeEditMode( "a" )
;; else
schHiChangeEditMode( "r" )))
load( "~/work/skill/XXToggleEditMode.il" )
hiSetBindKey( "Schematics" "<Key>1"