What the heck is wrong with Consumer Reports?
I thought they were smart.
The most recent rating of alkaline batteries went to, gasp, Duracell,
the leak-most battery.
They must be on the take now or what?
I have access to other brands that are just as good power-wise and have
never leaked.
I can count out on all the fingers on my ten hands the number of times
I have had to clean out battery compartments on various high end
electronics devices. And Duracell, nowhere, explains how to clean up
after their mess.
Recently I tried the old chemical version of CLR. It seems to work ok
but is very acidic. The new CLR is not as active chemically, it seems
to me.
Suggestions please, other than do not use Duracell.
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: news@netfront.net ---
I thought they were smart.
The most recent rating of alkaline batteries went to, gasp, Duracell,
the leak-most battery.
They must be on the take now or what?
I have access to other brands that are just as good power-wise and have
never leaked.
I can count out on all the fingers on my ten hands the number of times
I have had to clean out battery compartments on various high end
electronics devices. And Duracell, nowhere, explains how to clean up
after their mess.
Recently I tried the old chemical version of CLR. It seems to work ok
but is very acidic. The new CLR is not as active chemically, it seems
to me.
Suggestions please, other than do not use Duracell.
--- news://freenews.netfront.net/ - complaints: news@netfront.net ---