Couple of basic questions regarding power supplies


Michael Noone

Hi - I'm going to be using a Bias Power BPS-200-2-14-50:
20Spec%20Sht%20A3%20_22604_.pdf in an upcoming project. I have a couple
very simple questions though:

It has an "EM" pin, and for it's description it just says "see emi app
note". This app note is no longer available. I did find an archived version
of the website that refers to the EM pin here: it
says "for connection of external Y capacitors to reduce EMI in certain
applications". Can somebody tell me what Y capacitors are? Or if this is
even needed?

Also - this power supply will be powering an RF circuit. I am wondering -
should I connect earth ground to the ground pin on the power supply? I'm
very unsure about this, and figure it's most safe to ask first.


-Michael J. Noone
On Wed, 01 Jun 2005 13:41:24 -0500, Michael Noone
<> wrote:

Hi - I'm going to be using a Bias Power BPS-200-2-14-50:
20Spec%20Sht%20A3%20_22604_.pdf in an upcoming project. I have a couple
very simple questions though:

It has an "EM" pin, and for it's description it just says "see emi app
note". This app note is no longer available. I did find an archived version
of the website that refers to the EM pin here: it
says "for connection of external Y capacitors to reduce EMI in certain
applications". Can somebody tell me what Y capacitors are? Or if this is
even needed?

"X & Y rated capacitors These capacitors are specially designed for
connecting directly to the mains.
Class "X" capacitors are designed for connection directly across the
mains supply there are two sub classes used "X1" rated units are for
heavy duty applications and are made to withstand 4K Volt peak pulses.
"X2" are designed for general use and can withstand 2K Volt peaks.
"Y" rated capacitors are designed for connection between a current
carrying conductor & earth. They are designed not to pose a threat of
electric shock in the event of failure."

Also - this power supply will be powering an RF circuit. I am wondering -
should I connect earth ground to the ground pin on the power supply? I'm
very unsure about this, and figure it's most safe to ask first.

John Fields
Professional Circuit Designer
John Fields <> wrote in


"X & Y rated capacitors These capacitors are specially designed for
connecting directly to the mains.
Class "X" capacitors are designed for connection directly across the
mains supply there are two sub classes used "X1" rated units are for
heavy duty applications and are made to withstand 4K Volt peak pulses.
"X2" are designed for general use and can withstand 2K Volt peaks.
"Y" rated capacitors are designed for connection between a current
carrying conductor & earth. They are designed not to pose a threat of
electric shock in the event of failure."

Hi Mr. Fields - Just to clarify - do you think that they are saying to
connect a Y capacitor between the EM pin and earth ground? Also - in what
sorts of situations is this needed? This device will be running inside off
of wall power - would such a capacitor be needed? I'm thinking probabaly
not, but I thought it best to ask to be sure.


i came across some references about capacitors for power supply,it just
might help you and it just might answer your questions try to click to
this links
i hope that it will help you,it sure helped me.

Welcome to

