Hi all,
Here is my understanding of counting number of pulses of my project:
Please be patient in my description may looks lengthy..
In this mode(process of number of pulses), we can measure the number
of pulses coming on the input line Pulse_din_0 within some time set
by the processor. There is one counter CNT_P4P_PC0 to which
processor will load the time period value, during which number of
pulses have to be counted.
Suppose we want to calculate the number of pulses coming on the input
line Pulse_din_0 in the duration of 1 second, then processor has to
load the value of 0x186A0 (for the 10usec time base i.e., actual
time divided by time base will give the count value to be loaded into
counter) to the CNT_P4P_PC0 counter. Then this counter starts
decrementing at the rate set by the processor and at the same time
PC_0 starts incrementing it count value by 1 on receiving the pulse on
input line each time. This process will be continued till loaded
counter CNT_P4P_PC0 reaches the value of zero. At the end, if we
read the count value of PC_0 counter, we can get the number of the
pulses arrived on the input line during set time period.
Could anyone give or form an equation of counting number of pulses
(confusing what is Actual time here...) with an example
Please ...response..
Design Engg-FPGA,
Here is my understanding of counting number of pulses of my project:
Please be patient in my description may looks lengthy..
In this mode(process of number of pulses), we can measure the number
of pulses coming on the input line Pulse_din_0 within some time set
by the processor. There is one counter CNT_P4P_PC0 to which
processor will load the time period value, during which number of
pulses have to be counted.
Suppose we want to calculate the number of pulses coming on the input
line Pulse_din_0 in the duration of 1 second, then processor has to
load the value of 0x186A0 (for the 10usec time base i.e., actual
time divided by time base will give the count value to be loaded into
counter) to the CNT_P4P_PC0 counter. Then this counter starts
decrementing at the rate set by the processor and at the same time
PC_0 starts incrementing it count value by 1 on receiving the pulse on
input line each time. This process will be continued till loaded
counter CNT_P4P_PC0 reaches the value of zero. At the end, if we
read the count value of PC_0 counter, we can get the number of the
pulses arrived on the input line during set time period.
Could anyone give or form an equation of counting number of pulses
(confusing what is Actual time here...) with an example
Please ...response..
Design Engg-FPGA,