Countertop Water Dispenser. No Cold water.



Does anyone have an idea on what could be wrong with a Polar water
dispenser that dispenses room temperature water instead of cold water?
Hot works fine. I can't find any specs on the machine.
On Wed, 08 Apr 2009 15:28:39 -0400, Jan <> put finger to
keyboard and composed:

Does anyone have an idea on what could be wrong with a Polar water
dispenser that dispenses room temperature water instead of cold water?
Hot works fine. I can't find any specs on the machine.
Faulty Peltier cooler ???

Is there a fan? Does it spin?

Here is a patent that describes how these devices work:

If there is a US patent number on the label, you can search for it

- Franc Zabkar
Please remove one 'i' from my address when replying by email.

Does anyone have an idea on what could be wrong with a Polar water
dispenser that dispenses room temperature water instead of cold water?
Every one of these that I have seen uses a small compressed gas
refrigeration system to chill the water. It could have failed. Perhaps it is
fused or protected separately from the water heating components. These
systems are usually pretty reliable, with common failures including bad
electrical contacts (from scorching, burning or arcing that takes place each
time the unit cycles or use of cheap parts not made to stand the load), bad
compressor start circuitry, bad thermostats or wiring not sufficient to
power the compressor. As time goes by, the lubrication in the compressor can
become stiff when it shuts down and cools off. This too can keep the system
from starting.

Some of these have a thermostat to control how cold the water gets. It would
be worth checking to make sure that nobody has turned it down or off.

In article <>,
Jan <> wrote:

Does anyone have an idea on what could be wrong with a Polar water
dispenser that dispenses room temperature water instead of cold water?
Hot works fine. I can't find any specs on the machine.
The Polar units are suffering from global warming. No known fix.

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