could you give me the source codes of Hope and Atlanta?

The Hope and Atlanta are two open source ATPG programs.
In my study,I need to use the two programs,but I don't know where I can
get the two programs,so I come here for help.
If you know where I can get the two programs ,it's appreciate for you
to tell me the place where I can get the codes by the email.
If you have anyone of the two programs, it's appreciate for you to send
it to my email.

My gmail is

Thanks very much.
The Hope and Atlanta are two open source ATPG programs.
I don't know where I can get the two programs

Perhaps you could refine this search string:
My gmail is

You don't really "get" Usenet. do you?

Perhaps you don't even understand that you're accessing Usenet.
(Google Groups is only 1 way to do so
--some would say the LAME way. (I am not one of those.)

Any information that is transmitted privately
instead of being posted to the group
will obviously not be available to everyone.
As you are posting from the Usenet ARCHIVE at Google,
this should be impressed on you even more .

If, OTOH, you are just too lazy to return here for your answer,
piss off.

Welcome to

