Could you give me an example on synthesis techniques?



I read a paper on FPGA design. It has the following statements:

"Successfully simulated programs might not work on device
because synthesizer tries to optimize design and it can delete
some connections which affect result. Hence a good knowledge of
synthesizer is of importance in FPGA program development."

I have done some small and medium FPGA projects, but never experience
surprising synthesis result as the above statement. Could you give me
an example to show the XST synthesis control to turn a failure to success?

That sentence muddles up a few things.
I wouldn't spend too much time with the paper in question.

First, optimization is by definition not supposed to change th
functionality. If it does, it means my code didn't completely capture th
desired functionality. So this emphasizes the importance of writing correc
code ...

What can happen is much more subtle than just "deleting connections".
For example, off-chip signals are fairly sensitive to the way they ar
implemented (digital hazards by combinational logic), many things can g
wrong if the implementation is sloppily done.

Posted through
On 8/2/2014 6:49 AM, fl wrote:
I read a paper on FPGA design. It has the following statements:

"Successfully simulated programs might not work on device
because synthesizer tries to optimize design and it can delete
some connections which affect result. Hence a good knowledge of
synthesizer is of importance in FPGA program development."

I have done some small and medium FPGA projects, but never experience
surprising synthesis result as the above statement. Could you give me
an example to show the XST synthesis control to turn a failure to success?

By "optimization" they mean logic that is not used to produce an
internal state signal or an output from the device can be trimmed away.
There is no reason to implement logic if it has no impact on the
function of the chip. This is also true of logic that has no driver on
an input, but I believe you get errors when that happens.

I don't understand your question about synthesis turning a "failure to
success".... That simply won't happen.


fl <> wrote:

I read a paper on FPGA design. It has the following statements:

"Successfully simulated programs might not work on device
because synthesizer tries to optimize design and it can delete
some connections which affect result. Hence a good knowledge of
synthesizer is of importance in FPGA program development."

Proper synchronous logic should simulate and synthesize properly.
If you do post route timing, you should satisfy the timing requirements,
or, you should find the speed at which your design can run.

Designs should not, for example, rely on delays. I believe that it
is usual for synthesis to ignore any delays specified, but the
simulation will handle them. Just don't do it, except for simulation
fixtures, like generating clocks for simulation.

I have done some small and medium FPGA projects, but never experience
surprising synthesis result as the above statement. Could you give me
an example to show the XST synthesis control to turn a failure
to success?

If logic is removed, it should give a warning message, and you should
probably agree with the message.

-- glen

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