Robert Willy
I come across the following code from verilog-AMS reference book. First of
all, it is found that I have to comment out
// wire dnet;
// ddiscrete dnet;
in order a verilog-AMS simulation software (SMASH) to work.
What is the meaning of the above two attributes?
It has:
electrical anet;
'dnet' has obvious electrical attribute? I feel that it is weird to have
'electrical anet;'
Could you explain it to me?
module a2d(dnet, anet);
input dnet;
output anet;
wire dnet;
ddiscrete dnet;
electrical anet;
real avar;
analog begin
if (dnet === 1'b1)
avar = 5;
else if (dnet === 1'bx)
avar = avar; // hold value
else if (dnet === 1'b0)
avar = 0;
else if (dnet === 1'bz)
avar = 2.5; // high impedance - float value
V(anet) <+ avar;
I come across the following code from verilog-AMS reference book. First of
all, it is found that I have to comment out
// wire dnet;
// ddiscrete dnet;
in order a verilog-AMS simulation software (SMASH) to work.
What is the meaning of the above two attributes?
It has:
electrical anet;
'dnet' has obvious electrical attribute? I feel that it is weird to have
'electrical anet;'
Could you explain it to me?
module a2d(dnet, anet);
input dnet;
output anet;
wire dnet;
ddiscrete dnet;
electrical anet;
real avar;
analog begin
if (dnet === 1'b1)
avar = 5;
else if (dnet === 1'bx)
avar = avar; // hold value
else if (dnet === 1'b0)
avar = 0;
else if (dnet === 1'bz)
avar = 2.5; // high impedance - float value
V(anet) <+ avar;