Could getting rid of old cells turn back the clock on aging?...


Fred Bloggs

Researchers are investigating medicines that selectively kill decrepit cells to promote healthy aging — but more work is needed before declaring them a fountain of youth.

Near term payoff for organ donation is kind of huge-ish:

Kirkland is also collaborating with researchers who are investigating the use of senolytics to expand the pool of available transplant organs. Despite desperate need, about 24,000 organs from older donors are left out of the system every year because the rate of rejection is higher for these than for younger organs, says Stefan Tullius, chief of transplant surgery at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. In heart transplant experiments with mice, he reported that pretreating older donor mice with D+Q before transplant into younger recipients resulted in the donor organs working “as well or slightly better” than hearts from young donors.

Kind of lengthy synopsis of the state of research:
On Monday, January 16, 2023 at 7:53:39 AM UTC-5, a a wrote:
> #dailyfakebyfred

You for one are in dire need of this treatment.

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