Cost of Carbon Fuel Goes Up & Down But Generally Up


Bret Cahill

Cost of solar PV just keeps dropping. Even EV battery costs have dropped 30% in 5 years.

Anyone who this fundamental truth will change needs to join a drinking club, i.e., the "Man will Never Fly" society.

Bret Cahill
You got the political bug.

Nice optimism, but keep in mind it has to be practical. Try photocells on a furnace, even a gas one that draws maybe two amps ar 120. do it at night. Better yet, try an electric furnace at maybe 20 maps at 240 volts. Or better yet try an aluminum foundry with three phase carbon rods right in the pot.. Or try the TOCCO process with 700 volts at 700 amps.

Actually, even electric cars. electric cars do have one hell of an advantage. they usually have a decent torque curve down to zero RPM. that menas no clutch, torque convertor, even transmission. the weight is gone and you can make the motor bigger. But still the power source is crucial and what fucks everything up. Batteries. an environmental nightmare even when all thre technical shit is worked out. Inductive chargers, the switched mode contriollers, aven the technol;ogy to make braking put the vehicle's inertai bac into the battery by means of a DC convertoer. Al of that, and those batteries onlly last so many years. Then they are a fucking huge problem.

Right now it is OK, but when they start dumpinng them in the landfills like TV sets over the years, it might makke fracking look like a fart in a football stadium. When you got 20 million EVs on the road, you WILL notice the environmental aspect of it and it will not look quite as green.

I am all for this getitng off of fossil fuel shit, but we simply don't have the techno;logy advanced well enough.

If we did, we would have BP and Exxon and whoever selling it. Them people got a nose for a buck, and will jump on it as soon as it is commercially viable. Take my word for it.

I know a guy was a chemist for one of the big ones, I think I might should contact him and see where he stands on this shit. He is retired but did not just forget evertything because he got a Rolex or a Sony, golf clubs on the other hand...

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