Correction: Problems with the NEC uPC1242h, Datasheet, Help!


Jim Martz

Hi all,

I am working on a transciever with a
NEC uPC1242h AF power AMP.
I have replaced it with a new one and
tested all the surounding components,
but I get no signel on all pins(except
input and correct votage on the power pins).
I then though I had just gotten a
defective chip, so I got another one...
but still nothing.

I have found the pinout and a very basic
schematic, but has not helped much.
I would like to test these out of the circuit,
in a test circuit, but I need more data.
Can some one point me to a data sheet ??
Or to a simple schematic(with values), with
the upc1242h in it ??

Thanks for any help.
Jim Martz

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