Anne Onime
I got half a dozen UPS at a bankruptcy auction. They came
with original invoices, showing them to be bought in
June 2009, however no user manuals. I wish to use them
for a small business, running one workstation on each UPS.
These workstations were normally turned off at end of
working day. Should the UPS be left on? Do the batteries
last longer if always on? I measured the standby power of
each one, and it would cost nearly $100 a year if I left
them all running..........................................
with original invoices, showing them to be bought in
June 2009, however no user manuals. I wish to use them
for a small business, running one workstation on each UPS.
These workstations were normally turned off at end of
working day. Should the UPS be left on? Do the batteries
last longer if always on? I measured the standby power of
each one, and it would cost nearly $100 a year if I left
them all running..........................................