Corona Update 30: The search for psychic powers...


Skybuck Flying

If you believe in Aliens and UFOs then there can only be one conclusion possible:

The vaccination program of the last 60 years has been a treaty with Aliens to try and find new psychic abilities among humans.

Like Autism and ADHD and Schizophrenia...

The aliens are very much interested in new brain capabilities.

Bye for now,
On Tuesday, November 22, 2022 at 1:11:19 PM UTC+11, Skybuck Flying wrote:
> If you believe in Aliens and UFOs then there can only be one conclusion possible:

That you are out of your mind?

> The vaccination program of the last 60 years has been a treaty with Aliens to try and find new psychic abilities among humans.

What aliens?

> Like Autism and ADHD and Schizophrenia...

These are disabilities rather than abilities. Austism may free you from the distraction of normal social interaction, but it\'s not any kind of new ability.

> The aliens are very much interested in new brain capabilities.

So they won\'t be talking to Skybuck Flying, who hasn\'t got any kind of intellectual capacity at all. He can soak up all kinds of nonsense - which he probably sees as a new psychic ability and everybody else sees as the disability of severe gullibility.

Bill Sloman, Sydney

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