converting library from one process to another




in cadence I need to transfer my digital design library (NAND, XOR,

which uses JAZZ 0.18um primitives (pfet4 , nfet , etc.) to same

digital library which will uses tsmc 0.18um primitives (pmos2v ,
nmos2v ,


prblems are:

1) for symbol view fet symbol in one precess has backgate connection
in middle of channel, in another process backgate connection is
closer to
source, so all schematics in original digital library backgate
wire will be shifted.... any sujestion?
2) for schematic view one process primitivies name is nfet in another
process name is nmos2v, solution need SKILL code to go through
library and sunstitute cell names "nfet" to "nmos2v" , any
how to do this?
3) for layout view, what is correct methodology to do this?
so far I copy original library and after attached new tsmc
technology file to new digital library, but when I opened layout view
it not looks
like correct, some layers are missing and collors are not filled...
any sajestion?
thank you for help
kind regards Alex
alex wrote in his only post ever to the usenet:
I need to transfer my digital design library (NAND, XOR, etc.)
which uses JAZZ 0.18um primitives (pfet4 , nfet , etc.) to same
digital library which will uses tsmc 0.18um primitives
(pmos2v , nmos2v , etc.)
prblems are:
The problems are many. After having managted teams who have translated
many designs from process to process and from node to node, I can say
that you'll need to really know both your design and your flow if you
wish to migrate designs, processes, and process nodes in as efficient
and effective an approach as possible.

It helps immensly if you use the layout and schematic translation
capabilities inherent in the Cadence Virtuoso Layout Migrate tool suite
(which is part of the Cadence Virtuoso tool set). These tools take into
account the differing processes, schematic symbols, layout pcells, etc.
and once set up properly, are a boon to future ECOs and re-use.

When a 1:1 migration doesn't make sense, you can also try the synthesis
and optimization capabilities inherent in the NeoCkt and NeoCell
flavors of the Cadence Virtuoso tool suite.

And, if you need a bare-bones approach, search this newsgroup for SKILL
programs written by designers for designers for the purpose of
scheamtic re-referencing, schematic creation from a netlist, and layout
migration (although the caveat that you really must know your design
and design flows really holds true for this approach).

Good luck - I've done many migrations so I would be remiss if I didn't
state that a simple USENET post may point you in the right direction -
but you'll need to know a lot more about your design, your process, and
your flow to perform this task efficiently.

John Gianni
"Disclaimer: Nothing stated by me on the USENET is prior sanctioned by
my employer."

alex wrote in his only post ever to the usenet:
I need to transfer my digital design library (NAND, XOR, etc.)
which uses JAZZ 0.18um primitives (pfet4 , nfet , etc.) to same
digital library which will uses tsmc 0.18um primitives
(pmos2v , nmos2v , etc.)

prblems are:
1) for symbol view fet symbol in one precess has backgate connection
in middle of channel, in another process backgate connection is
closer to
source, so all schematics in original digital library backgate
wire will be shifted.... any sujestion?
2) for schematic view one process primitivies name is nfet in another
process name is nmos2v, solution need SKILL code to go through
library and sunstitute cell names "nfet" to "nmos2v" , any
how to do this?
3) for layout view, what is correct methodology to do this?
so far I copy original library and after attached new tsmc
technology file to new digital library, but when I opened layout view
it not looks
like correct, some layers are missing and collors are not filled...
any sajestion?
thank you for help
kind regards Alex
hi alex, in VCAD we have several flows for converting such
libraries between processes and design kits. it is a common
problem. one flow that comes to mind is edif based, others
are completely CDBA based. We have an SKILL application
called Vsch which provides an object oriented interface to
such library conversions.

VCAD can do the library conversion for you or provie you with
a customizable interface for doing it yourself.

If you are interested, please contact or

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