Converting a push button switch to at motion Sensor



I have a push button switch and all I want to do is put in a motion
sensor switch to complete the circuit so that it will send the signal.

I just need to know what kind of switch to buy.

thank you
bgranier (Bgranier) wrote:

I have a push button switch and all I want to do is put in a motion
sensor switch to complete the circuit so that it will send the signal.

I just need to know what kind of switch to buy.

thank you
That's not clear. What sort of 'signal' does your circuit send? Where
does it come from? Where does it send it? And do you mean you want to
send this signal when you EITHER press your button OR the motion
sensor detects a signal (also allowing for BOTH states, of course)?

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK
Subject: Converting a push button switch to at motion Sensor
From: (Bgranier)
Date: 7/1/2004 10:38 PM Central Daylight Time
Message-id: <

I have a push button switch and all I want to do is put in a motion
sensor switch to complete the circuit so that it will send the signal.

I just need to know what kind of switch to buy.

thank you
Not a whole lot of information here to work with.

One place to start might be the normally closed and normally open magnetic door
switches available from Radio Shack or other hobbyist sources. The half where
you connect the wires has either a normally open (Cat # 49-533, $4.97 USD) or
normally closed (Cat # 49-532, $5.99 USD) reed switch, which is activated by a
magnet in proximity. That will give you a switch indication if something
moves. It also has the advantage of not requiring an additional power source,
and can be connected directly into your electrical circuit without getting into
the details of how the circuit works.

Need a better answer, provide more info about your problem.

Good luck
Bgranier wrote:

I have a push button switch and all I want to do is put in a motion
sensor switch to complete the circuit so that it will send the signal.

I just need to know what kind of switch to buy.
You just need to tell us a few more things.

What are the characteristics of the switch you intend to
replace (membrane/resistive/SPST/snap-action/other?)
Voltage, current capacity)?

What kind of motion are you sensing? What's moving, how
far, and how fast? Does the switch have to detect a change
quickly (how quickly), then "reset" quickly for the next
event? Does it have to do so repetitively (as in sensing
rotation), and what're the chances it will have a mechanical
resonance near that repetition rate? Can the circuit handle
input changes at the likely rep rate?

Does the switch need to physically contact the moving
object to detect it? How much mechanical force does the
switch have to cope with from the moving object?

If not, what property of the object changes as it passes
by (brightness, color, magnetic properties, etc)? How
quickly does it change: is the circuit the switch is part of
capable of debouncing the new switch's action? Does it need
to? Is there an adequately sharp transition in the sensed
property as the object passes from "I don't care where it
is" to "I need to know when it's _here_" and back?

Will you need to mount the switch remotely from the
original circuit? Will the fact that you have to use wires
to connect it screw up timing etc?

What's the environment (electrical, chemical, etc) the
new switch will have to operate in? Will you have to shield
or otherwise protect the switch and wires?

Mark L. Fergerson

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