Dave Plowman (News)
Just to say it's sorted. All the guff about the overvoltage protection
with the SG 6105 proved a red herring in this case. As the spec covers the
range 10.1 - 14.5v (typical) without mods.
All that was needed was to alter the voltage on the 'IN' pin. But with the
fan plugged in. Without it any alteration to that voltage caused the PS to
shut down. With it, I've got my 13.8v (approx) without problems. 270K was
the value (original 120K) needed in this case. But probably won't help
others since this is a generic PS with no maker's name.
*Acupuncture is a jab well done*
Dave Plowman dave@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.
with the SG 6105 proved a red herring in this case. As the spec covers the
range 10.1 - 14.5v (typical) without mods.
All that was needed was to alter the voltage on the 'IN' pin. But with the
fan plugged in. Without it any alteration to that voltage caused the PS to
shut down. With it, I've got my 13.8v (approx) without problems. 270K was
the value (original 120K) needed in this case. But probably won't help
others since this is a generic PS with no maker's name.
*Acupuncture is a jab well done*
Dave Plowman dave@davenoise.co.uk London SW
To e-mail, change noise into sound.