Converting 230V / 30A DC



Im using constant DC input od 230V / 30A and i need to convert this into
220V AC ( 50 hz ).
What is the simplest way to do this ?

Regards !
Umbra wrote:
Im using constant DC input od 230V / 30A and i need to convert this into
220V AC ( 50 hz ).
What is the simplest way to do this ?

Regards !

Quiky: coupled motor/generator.

Slow: buy/build a (pseudo)sine wave power convertor.
Where to get coupled motor/generator ?
Do you have some schematics on how to build a (pseudo)sine wave power
Umbra wrote:
Where to get coupled motor/generator ?
Do you have some schematics on how to build a (pseudo)sine wave power

Only the advise is free .

For the rest, use google or elbow grease to built things.
:) i agree with you but i done this before.
I didnt find and converter for something like this...

"Sjouke Burry" <burrynulnulfour@ppllaanneett.nnll> wrote in message
Umbra wrote:
Where to get coupled motor/generator ?
Do you have some schematics on how to build a (pseudo)sine wave power

Only the advise is free .

For the rest, use google or elbow grease to built things.
Im using constant DC input od 230V / 30A and i need to convert this into
220V AC ( 50 hz ).
** That is almost 7 kW.

What the heck is your source of such high DC power??

What is the simplest way to do this ?

** You are on the *wrong* NG - pal.

..... Phil
"Umbra" wrote in message news:ikgrsf$vqj$1@localhost.localdomain...

Im using constant DC input od 230V / 30A and i need to convert
this into 220V AC ( 50 hz ).
What is the simplest way to do this ?
You can use a PWM VF motor drive converter. However, for 220 VAC you will
need about 300 VDC for the "DC Link". This is about 9 HP, and there are many
10 HP motor controllers available on eBay and surplus for probably a couple
hundred dollars. You should be able to rig a transformer to boost the 150
VAC maximum from the converter to 220 VAC.


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