Convert from VHDL to layout



Well, I'm an electronics engineering student and I have to do a final work
of the career. I have to design a RISC processor in VHDL and it's layout.
There is a machine with Cadence IC in the university. I've taken a look at
it and I'm overwhelmed by the ammount of different programs and
documentation in the package.
I understand that the layout editor is "Virtuoso", right?
Now, I'm not asking a step by step guide since I can read what seems to be a
very complete documentation, but I would like you to guide me and tell what
are the programs that I will need for this or any good advice that you can
give me. In other words, where should I start?, and what should I read?
Thank you.

Check out and check out the CMPE-413
class webpage . There are tutorials at the bottom of the page that
tell you how to import VHDL to schematic and draw layouts and compare
them to the schematics.


Francisco <> wrote in message news:<c5a7cu$2ql1hb$>...
Well, I'm an electronics engineering student and I have to do a final work
of the career. I have to design a RISC processor in VHDL and it's layout.
There is a machine with Cadence IC in the university. I've taken a look at
it and I'm overwhelmed by the ammount of different programs and
documentation in the package.
I understand that the layout editor is "Virtuoso", right?
Now, I'm not asking a step by step guide since I can read what seems to be a
very complete documentation, but I would like you to guide me and tell what
are the programs that I will need for this or any good advice that you can
give me. In other words, where should I start?, and what should I read?
Thank you.

saby wrote:

Check out and check out the CMPE-413
class webpage . There are tutorials at the bottom of the page that
tell you how to import VHDL to schematic and draw layouts and compare
them to the schematics.

Thank you very much, I've downloaded them and will see them soon.

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