Controlling things with the parallel port



I have read a document on controlling led's with a parallel port. I
plan on using the led's to make an optio isolator connected to a relay
to control things around the house. first off, i was wondering if
anyone knows of a book that covers things at a basic level like this
and secondly a parallel port can only control 8 devices, is it cheaper
to use multiple computers or is there perhaps some type of system out
there that will let me control more?

thanks for any input
joel <> wrote in message
I have read a document on controlling led's with a parallel port. I
plan on using the led's to make an optio isolator connected to a relay
to control things around the house. first off, i was wondering if
anyone knows of a book that covers things at a basic level like this
and secondly a parallel port can only control 8 devices, is it cheaper
to use multiple computers or is there perhaps some type of system out
there that will let me control more?

thanks for any input
You only need 1 computer.
A method is to just use 3 of the port pins (eg D0-D1-D2), to -serially- send
a set of on/off bits to one or more 74HC595 i.c.'s.
Each 74HC595 chip can control 8 outputs. 4 chips (say) could control 32

For example,
D0 serially puts out the opto-led, ON or OFF bits to the 74HC595's
D1 makes a clock pulse for each of these serial opto-led bits.
After all the data bits are sent out then D2 is set high then low, to tell
the chips to latch the sent data onto their output pins.
(Use optos that have low current LEDs to avoid loading the 74HC595 o/p pins)
Check Jan Axelson's site and her book on interfacing the parallel

It's relatively easy from DOS and Windows 3.x, but you need additional interface
software (drivers, etc) for Windows 95 and higher.

You might also consider a separate controller board, such as the one from (click on the Products link). (joel) wrote:

I have read a document on controlling led's with a parallel port. I
plan on using the led's to make an optio isolator connected to a relay
to control things around the house. first off, i was wondering if
anyone knows of a book that covers things at a basic level like this
and secondly a parallel port can only control 8 devices, is it cheaper
to use multiple computers or is there perhaps some type of system out
there that will let me control more?

thanks for any input
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joel wrote:
I have read a document on controlling led's with a parallel port. I
plan on using the led's to make an optio isolator connected to a relay
to control things around the house. first off, i was wondering if
anyone knows of a book that covers things at a basic level like this
and secondly a parallel port can only control 8 devices, is it cheaper
to use multiple computers or is there perhaps some type of system out
there that will let me control more?

The method John outlines has a circuit at DiscoLitez: and there's the software too.
On 21 Aug 2003 10:20:42 -0700, (joel) wrote:

I have read a document on controlling led's with a parallel port. I
plan on using the led's to make an optio isolator connected to a relay
to control things around the house. first off, i was wondering if
anyone knows of a book that covers things at a basic level like this
and secondly a parallel port can only control 8 devices, is it cheaper
to use multiple computers or is there perhaps some type of system out
there that will let me control more?

thanks for any input
I've got the below page showing how to use the parallel port to
control my homemade webcam video switchers using "notepad"
software. The "El Cheapo #3" setup could control ~40 things one
at a time, and is made totally from Radio Shack parts. If you
really want to be a parallel port control freak, the bottom link
shows how to individually control up to 380 strings of christmas
lights via the parallel port.
On 21 Aug 2003 10:20:42 -0700, (joel) wrote:

I have read a document on controlling led's with a parallel port. I
plan on using the led's to make an optio isolator connected to a relay
to control things around the house. first off, i was wondering if
anyone knows of a book that covers things at a basic level like this
and secondly a parallel port can only control 8 devices, is it cheaper
to use multiple computers or is there perhaps some type of system out
there that will let me control more?

thanks for any input
The parallel "port" includes 3 separate I/O ports: Data, Status, and
Control. To control more than 8 bits, you can use the Control port
to provide 3 additional bits directly (it's got special uses for some
bits). For lots more outputs use those 3 extra bits as address bits
to select one of 8 octal latches that are updated by the Data port.

Bob Masta

Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Shareware from Interstellar Research
joel wrote:
I have read a document on controlling led's with a parallel port. I
plan on using the led's to make an optio isolator connected to a relay
to control things around the house. first off, i was wondering if
anyone knows of a book that covers things at a basic level like this
and secondly a parallel port can only control 8 devices, is it cheaper
to use multiple computers or is there perhaps some type of system out
there that will let me control more?

thanks for any input
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