Contract circuit board maker source?



I've got a small project that I want to make about two hundred
copies of. The board is 1" x 1.25" single side single layer
with 10 through holes. I don't need silkscreening or special
features, just the etched board. I've got accurate drawings
in AutoCad. What would be the least expensive way to get these
made? Time isn't so much a factor.

I've thought about making them myself, but haven't got experience
with the photo processes. The largest board I've made so far is
5.5" x 6" with a couple of hundred through holes single sided, I
used the technique of laser printing the reverse layout onto the
backing sheet of labels, then ironing the toner onto the board,
touching up defects with a Sharpie permanent marker. That worked
ok, but it wasn't as professional-looking as I'd like these to look.

If I go with a photo process, I'd like to make my own sensitized
boards because the pre-sensitized boards are fairly expensive. Is
that something that's possible? Is there a spray or coating that
I can apply to make a board photo-resist ready?


Please reply to jsavage"at"
Curse those darned bulk e-mailers!
"Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of
supply and demand. It is the privilege of human beings to
live under the laws of justice and mercy." - Wendell Berry
JeffM wrote:
:I do get hits for futurlec on google all the time,
:so I suspect they've somehow overcome that problem if it exists.
: Robert Monsen
I Googled the site and it looked like a normal HTML site
so I went to the site again.
Guess what--it's not a Flash site any more.

So, do those guys read this group?
Were they coincidently trying something foolish
at the exact moment they were getting free advertisement here?
It's exactly the same as the last 100 times I've been there, which has
been during the last few years. I don't really know what 'flash' sites
look like, so I didn't really know what you were talking about, and took
you at your word. Perhaps they changed it at some point and I didn't
notice. However, I do remember getting search hits for the last few
months at least.

So, you have been whining about this site without having tried it
recently, calling them and anybody who uses them (that would be me)
morons. Now, you imply that your failure to do adequate research before
attacking them is due to some evil plot for free publicity (further
implying that I'm somehow to blame for this). It's clear you believe
they tricked you into making a public ass out of yourself.

Ok, that is good to know. From now on, I'll just assume whatever you say
is wrong until independently verified. Thanks for the heads up...

Robert Monsen

"Your Highness, I have no need of this hypothesis."
- Pierre Laplace (1749-1827), to Napoleon,
on why his works on celestial mechanics make no mention of God.
On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 23:59:07 -0800, Robert Monsen wrote:
JeffM wrote:
I didn't know it existed until you mentioned it. I followed YOUR LINK.
On my return visit the next day (after Googling them), it appears they
had returned to normal HTML.
No, Fred A has pointed out that I typed in an 'e' by mistake. There were
two links in my message, one of which was typed properly, the other of
which was typed incorrectly. Thus, which link one clicked on defined which
side of the argument one was on, and neither side understood what the
other was talking about.
Somewhat comical. Apologies for starting a war.
"Have you ever known what it is to be an orphan?"
"<sigh> Often."
"Yes, orphan. Do you know what it is to be one?"
"I say, often. Often!"
"I ask if you know what it is to be an orphan, and you're
simply repeating the word, 'orphan'"
"I didn't repeat the word 'often'. I only repeated it
"Yes, but you repeated it!"

On Fri, 18 Mar 2005 11:08:01 -0500, "fengjianqing"
<> wrote:

Please leave a little bit of the message you're replying to in your
reply so we can see what you're replying to.

How do you know?

In the case of the US, have you searched the USPTO's archives for
possible infringement from each of your products for at least
seventeen years prior to the date you announced that that product was

John Fields
Rich Grise <> wrote:

It's not so much about left-handed people, as kitchen layout. The most
glaring example was my Mom's apartment - they had a built-in over the
range, up against the right-hand wall. And she kept getting hit on the
head by the door - it's terribly inconvenient, and in the way. If I
had the power to sign an LC for 100K or 1M, I'd just order a boatload
or so and take them to the stores. The design is trivial; I'm hoping
that whoever does jump on it throws a crumb or two my way, just for the
I did a quick search on the web for ("left hinged" microwave)

In several places I see sentences like this about microwave ovens:

"Placement of oven. Will you need a left-hinged or bottom hinged model?
How about the vent? A front-vented model can be placed under an upper

So it seems like a lot of people assume, or know, that there are left
hinged models, but so far I have not actually found one.


Roger J.
Roger Johansson wrote:
Another alternative:

I can't be too difficult to rebuild a standard model if you really need a
right hinged micro. Some metal sheet working, creating new hinges on the
other side, turning the old door upside-down and moving a door-closed
electrical switch to the other side. Maybe easier, and cheaper, than
finding and importing one.

Roger J.

Three switches on the door is the usual setup. Two to keep it from
working with a warped door and the third is a fail-safe.


Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

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