james everitt
Continuous Induction Turbine: Integrated Single Phase Alternating
http:// magneticcorepropellergenerator.blogspot.com
At this 'blog address' may be found plans, specifications and a
lengthy text with pictures and diagrams on the subject of a novel form
of Alternating Current Electricity and the mechanism of its
Generation.. The intention of this presentation generally is simply to
invite anyone suitably inspired to construct this device, a modest and
inexpensive undertaking of itself--and quite straightforward--, but
one which nevertheless requires a certain electrical engineering know-
how, if not expertise (the device is essentially an electrical
generator), and more especially, a degree of dedication to the task,
since despite my best efforts over a lengthy period to present the
design and general hypothesis in its correct entirety, certain details
may need ironing out, so to speak.. My hope is simply that someone may
wish to investigate the idea further, perhaps in the first place by
subjecting it for example, if such is indeed possible, to the rigours
of computer simulation..
I should add that what is termed a 'theory of cohesive space', a
rudimentary unifying theory I suppose, is specifically alluded to in
the text, and while it is not critical to the argument prima facie, a
successful outcome will likely lend weight to certain of its
perspectives, more particularly those concerning the issues of
electricity and magnetism pertinent to the operation of the
experimental apparatus, a useful subsidiary product of the endeavour
at the very least..
Also, while the primary and ostensible property of this apparatus--the
Continuous Induction Turbine or Generator-- is, it is argued, to
enhance significantly the efficiency of conduction of Alternating
Current--by the inference of the argument, the efficiency of electro-
magnetic induction itself (through the elaboration of a new wave-form
of voltage and current)--, its eventual principal purpose may likely
prove beyond that meagre basic objective, as you may read.. And while
it is by no means certain either that this turbine will function as
suggested or even at all, what it purports to propose as possible and
the sense of its method seem to me well worth investigation,
particularly since this would, in the proper hands, be relatively
cheap and easy to do: the rewards of its success are almost
{text for: magneticcorepropellergenerator.blogspot.com}..
[For publication under the title: Continuous Induction Turbine:
Integrated single phase alternating current generator--or single phase
integrated wave A.C. in a magnetic core propeller generator]... In
preface, the following argument regarding inductive/conductive
efficiency of A.C. refers to the unmodified state of the sinusoidal
A.C. waveform in conventional systems: that is, in general terms,
without computer-aided synthesis of complex sine wave resultants..
The following are plans and specifications for a system of electro-
magnetic induction of Alternating Current whose primary apparatus is
termed herein a Continuous Induction Turbine (C.I.T.) or Alternator
(alternatively, "Magnetic Core Propeller Generator"), in order
principally to distinguish it from what is to be regarded
comparatively as the interrupted or discontinuous EM induction*
characteristic of and inherent in conventional systems of A.C.
generation, whether single or poly-phase; accordingly, such is
envisaged as--and indeed, is conceived to represent an experiment in
the possibility of--a system of integrated single phase A.C., as
opposed to multiplied sine wave A.C, deriving in the single winding of
an A.C. generator in which all parts of that winding are exposed
continuously to some inductive influence...
The implication of this publication is an invitation to those
interested in its potential--in the first place, conceived as that for
the enhancement of efficiency within an entire delivery system of
Alternating Current, essentially by virtue of increased facility of
conduction in the extended circuit--, freely to develop a functioning
prototype, and whatever may follow from that.. It should be noted at
the outset that, while the idea itself arose as a more-or-less
complete conception, there was little comprehension at the time on my
part of either the explanations proffered here regarding its supposed
purpose, or what was then developed as the further theoretical basis
for its function, both in terms of conventional electrical theory and
physics, and what has since been elaborated as an exposition in the
fundamental physics of cohesive space capable of accommodating a
greater intelligence of that function.. The accompanying propositions
concerning its function therefore, while expressed from various
perspectives in conventional electrical theory, are to be understood
merely as attempts by someone essentially untrained in such doctrine
to explain, in ordinarily intelligible terms, and essentially from
first principles (which is to say, according to a singular principle,
and an effectively singular metaphysical premise and perspective),
such a conception and device, and its imagined purpose...
The first proposition then, concerning such a conception and the
validity of any assertion regarding the potential for the imagined
apparatus to increase electrical efficiency generally within an
extended A.C. circuit (the generator and its delivery system),
naturally addresses the question of its purported necessity; that is,
considers in what sense it may be argued that any significant
potential exists for an increase in EM inductive efficiency in the
generalised context, in the face of the fact that conventional A.C.
generators are essentially capable of operating with almost maximal
efficiency, if such is to be defined as the relation between rotatory
mechanical work applied to a turbine rotor and electrical output
expressed in terms of joules of 'electrical energy'.. To answer this
question--bearing in mind that this apparatus represents only an
experiment in the validity of the following argument--, one need only
pose the idea that, in spite of this putative efficiency of
conventional EM induction (that is, the tendency to equivalence of
electrical output with mechanical work input etc.), when such
electrical output is to be conducted as A.C. within any exterior
circuit, such efficiency diminishes considerably: this is, in the
first instance, merely to suggest that overall EM inductive efficiency
must include all aspects of efficiency, both EM inductive efficiency
within the armature, and the capacity for the conduction of the A.C.
wave throughout the copper wire circuit with corresponding efficiency:
thus, to suggest that, considered as aspects of a single effect, an
evidently inherent inefficiency in conductive efficiency (in
conventional A.C. generation) amounts to a fundamental inefficiency in
EM induction itself, imagined therefore as potentially capable of
redress through appropriate modification and reconfiguration of basic
inductive relations, and indeed, of the fundamental character of the
A.C. waveform itself (more particularly, it is suggested, of the
relation of its voltage and current components)...
From this premise and perspective then (of the potential for both
enhanced efficiency and the proposition of an experimental prototype
to verify it), if it is supposed that such an increase in overall
efficiency in the greater A.C. circuit is possible, certain conditions
inherent in the EM inductive mechanism (notably the effect of
inductive inertia in that generalised context, expressed in the Laws
of Inductance etc.: Lenz's Law) must also be understood to be capable
of significant modification, effectively to enhance the generalised
conduction and integration of V and I aspects of the A.C. wave form/
function (that is, rather than to imagine any strict increase in
electrical output for some given rotatory work upon the turbine rotor
etc.); so that in examining the configuration of this apparatus, for
example, its geometry and dynamic inductive relations--of ferro-
magnetic core, external field and armature winding--, various
perspectives become apparent in terms of conventional electro-dynamics
according to which such may be more than intuitively realised..
Of these perspectives, those concerning principles in conventional
electrical theory are broadly those [a]...which might be said to
concern the mechanics of EM induction itself--that is, the sense in
which the geometric configuration of inductive relations including
those components arising by virtue of the presence and effect of a
helically-configured ferro-magnetic core, implies the potential for an
integration of components of EMF continuously generated over the
entire winding circuit into a single phase A.C. wave which, it is
held, while conforming in its origin to the basic principle of
conventional EM induction (in which the waveform is the product of the
elaboration of multiple successive--or consecutive--induction
segments, arising in successive serial loops and comprising identical
distortions, effectively a twisting effect of reorientation over such
segments caused by counter-rotatory pressure/tension upon the copper
matrix of cohesive dynamics during its passage through the inductive
magnetic field or interface), and its alternating aspect, represents a
vastly enhanced mode of integration of induction resultants.. Thus,
for example, as will be explained further, what may be termed and
understood as greater or extended induction loops arising by virtue of
the nature of the progressive winding are defined by given
configurations of inductive influence acting remotely in the winding,
within which lesser or component loops are contained (essentially,
classical loop segments formed by the lap-type winding, and subject to
variably oblique inductive influence) such that a continual and
uniformly graduated elaboration of induction resultants occurs which,
it is supposed, is capable inherently of integration into a single
phase A.C. wave effect in the circuit; further, it is supposed, by its
nature capable of generalised conduction through the greater circuit
with vastly enhanced facility as the extrapolation of the primary
effect: Thus, a more efficient A.C. wave effect is generated, by
virtue of its fundamental electro-dynamic form..
....and those principles ...(including certain ideas pertaining to
the manner in which inductive inertia--or inductance per se--may be
thought to be modified, by virtue of the geometric configuration of
the device etc.: thus, implying a greater facility with which rotatory
work may be applied to the generator rotor per unit time) according to
which what amounts to an increased effective electrical output
considered over the entire extended A.C. circuit in such an instance
may be reckoned in terms of diminished effective electrical resistance
in that circuit: that is, in terms of resistance and Impedance,
considered both as intrinsic properties of the A.C. wave and its
conductive context; and with respect to impedance, inevitably, the
basic relation of V and I (In this context, it is useful to imagine,
for example, that induction is occurring within a winding
configuration which is essentially coil-like)...
In short, the question becomes, with respect to the notion of an
integration of available resultant components of EM induction and its
imagined enhancement, the more precise basis in electro-dynamics
(particularly regarding V and I conceived as more-or-less discreet
aspects of the inductive effect) for this supposition that the form
and dynamics of such an A.C. wave will indeed represent a manifestly
more efficient conductive effect within the copper circuit.. And in
seeking to answer this question in general terms therefore, one
arrives at a view of electrical conduction--more specifically A.C.
conduction--which permits not only the idea of "electrical friction"
in conventional A.C. technology, but that of its modification,
principally, it is imagined, through the modification of conditions of
inertia in the EM inductive mechanism--which is to say, inductance
itself--, according to which an increased facility with which the
reorientation of dynamics (of cohesive recurrence) within copper metal
constituting the inductive effect (inductance) of voltage V in some
given time (by virtue of a generalised integration of components of
inductance) facilitates and indeed effectively amounts to an
enhancement of the effect through which the resolution of that
distorting condition occurs as current I; both aspects of the effect
thus capable of enhanced and effectively optimal transmission through
a circuit as a wave phenomenon...
This, it is supposed, arises by virtue of what is essentially a
modification towards continuous induction in which all components of
inductance (or reorientation of Cu29 cohesive dynamics**) arising
within an entirety of the armature winding exposed directly to the
inductive influence at all times are then integrated, by virtue of the
intrinsic configuration of the apparatus and its variable inductive
relations, into a single phase wave of A.C. (i.e. single phase, but
comprising variably phase-related V and I aspects).. As has been
intimated, this inevitably leads to a consideration--in terms of
conventional electrical theory--of the potential for a modification of
inherent Impedance in the A.C. circuit, through that of the relation
of V and I, and the essential waveform of these variably related
aspects: reorientation V, and reversion/resolution I of fundamental
and definitive cohesive relations within the Cu29 form...
The Physics of Cohesive Space...
**To understand what is asserted here then, particularly with respect
to the further idea of conductivity of A.C. within the Cu29 medium, it
is necessary to elaborate somewhat upon the fundamental notions of
voltage and current as they are to be interpreted in this context,
based on a revised understanding of the phenomenon of electricity
itself, described in terms of a comprehensive physics of space:
broadly, the conception of cohesive space mentioned in which the
fundamental unitary force within all space (and in this unifying
conception, only space exists) may simply be understood to be
"cohesive" in its essence--or, to coin a term, "proto-
gravitational"--, such that the governing and correspondingly singular
dynamic within metaphysically homogeneous space, conceived similarly
as the common substrate of all form or reality (characterised by
innate disparities in cohesive relations between spatial loci defined
only by such relations, with all other loci, infinitely and
eternally), is merely the resolution towards a common state of
idealising Resonance, of all such relations: that is, towards a state
of Ideal Alignment of components of cohesive disparity or polarity
which can only be comprehended in discriminative terms as that, in the
first place, of all such components--effectively of motive, and
apparent tendencies in the elaboration of form, or formal reality,
when considered in the dynamic context of a Process of Resonance
(effectively therefore, resolution of relative turbulence)--with each
other, as in temporary systems and form etc., thus towards conditions
of cohesive equilibrium within the whole (alternatively conceived,
towards localised cohesive equilibria whose essential tendency is
naturally extensive, according to the Principle of Resonance, as the
definitive Intention of Spatial Reality conceived in such terms:
Resonance, as an innate tendency and status may be considered
"inductive" by such reasoning), and, secondly, with some Ultimate or
Absolute Unity of Perfection implicit in all dynamics, of itself
incapable of Conception; nonetheless, the tendency to inconceivable or
non-existent "end" or archetype is the necessary inference of any
attempt to imbue the metaphysical Unity of Cosmos or Creation with the
axiomatically Singular Intention implicit, in Reason, in the Fact of
Existence.. Existence is conceived as a Self-creating Entity in
Eternity whose Singular Principle may therefore most simply be
imagined as that of Cohesive Resonance..
It is important to understand in this conception that properties of
mass, force (rudiments of charge; dualised to an improper equivalence
in orthodox physics) and so on are functions of states of resonance--
that is, integration or alignment of fundamental motives or polarities
in cohesive relation--within cohesive dynamics; gravitational
relations, for example, merely manifest integration in such cohesive
dynamics in specific and essentially ill-defined contexts, and to the
extent that such are considered functions of mass may be regarded to
derive in qualities and degrees of cohesive resonance--which is to
say, states of cohesive wave recurrence--of which such characteristics
of mass etc., to be imagined as properties of relative turbulence, are
also the function..(Ra88 manifests an ostensible limit in a scale of
turbulence/resonance, capable of analysis in terms of the mathematical
harmonics of 'cubic' cohesive space, of which the H1 state represents
the upper limit, of optimal resonance apprehensible as a definitive
elemental form)..
Such a conception considers 'voltage' the function of a reorientation
in the characteristic cohesive dynamics or relations definitive of
copper (Cu29) in the metallic form, that is, the state of cohesive
resonance manifesting as Cu29 in the metallic form, according to which
a state of "cupro-magnetism" arises (in A.C. dynamics, a wave of such
is effectively propagated through the medium, or circuit, thus as an
effect of variably uniform turbulence within cohesive space, or more
specifically, within the dynamic status of cohesive recurrence or
resonance definitive of Cu29); and considers 'current' the actual
dynamic of reversion to the initial state facilitated within
intersecting planar conduits oriented geometrically, by intrinsic
proclivity, at right angles to the pathways of rotatory
In general terms therefore, if the phenomenon of A.C. electricity is
to be regarded thus, as the natural restoration to resonance status in
Cu29 following the institution of a more-or-less organised wave of
reorientation equivalent to turbulence artificially induced in the
Cu29 matrix (moreover, quite probably such restoration further implies
a tendency for Cu29 to revert to its higher resonance oxide states),
then what is imagined in C.I.T. dynamics is essentially that this
analogue of the generalised system of Natural Resonance is
fundamentally improved or enhanced--merely by emulation--, thus that
the resulting C.I.T. A.C. wave dynamic represents an optimisation of
an artificial resonance process, of reorientation and reversion, by
virtue of a concordance and similitude with fundamental Resonance
Process; in particular, with the basic oscillatory or alternating
principle intrinsic to any and all systems of natural cohesive
It is to be understood here that the wave alternation dynamic--
essentially an integration of dynamics of cohesive wave recurrence; to
reiterate, cohesive relations by their nature incline to be spatially
recurrent, according to which tendency a progressive wave dynamic is
elaborated between points or loci defined by similar cohesive
relations in given more-or-less dominant spatial directions,
ordinarily, the fundamental poles and axes of 3-dimensional cubic
space etc.; and according to which resultants in cohesive relation or
disparity between loci defining such a wave function, naturally
alternate in a variably regular fashion in various principal spatial
directions--, is the innate function of the tendency for fundamental
cohesive disparity or disequilibrium--in the Cosmos and all aspects,
form, systems etc.--to resolve towards Alignment or Resonance
(nevertheless according to ultimately unknowable parameters of
integration or resonance), thus towards an idealising condition of
cohesive equilibrium in which the elaboration of the perfectly
converse phase relation between loci implied by such an equilibrium
infers a cessation of motive/motion within existential space; so that,
while all natural and artificial systems are characterised
intrinsically and ostensibly by a range of relative turbulence or
resonance, their definitive process is always towards the greater
Resonance Status of the Whole, or in principle, towards Cosmic
All natural systems and phenomena--in particular, the human organism,
as exemplified by properties of breath etc.--are therefore defined by
properties of Resonance, more-or-less evident in terms of a certain
uniformity with respect to both the range of disparity between
components of cohesive resultant or polarity, and their configurations
of distribution, as, for example, during various more-or-less
predominant cycles of cohesive wave recurrence: which is to say that
form and systems, natural and otherwise, are defined by a wave
dynamic, effectively an intricate interference pattern, of cohesive
resonance/turbulence, whose fundamental and definitive feature is an
effectively stabilising oscillatory principle, or alternating
dynamic.. Moreover, in general terms, and particularly with respect to
the bio-organism, the overall and ultimate quality or efficiency of
any system is essentially the function of its quality or status of
cohesive resonance, and it is the imitation of such to which this
C.I.T. apparatus would aspire..
This, it is imagined, is to be achieved, as will be explained briefly,
through an optimisation of the potential for so-called "phase
equilibration" dynamics according to which restoration of resonance
(i.e. reversion/'current') is facilitated, in the first place, by an
optimising consistency or uniformity in the reorientation effect
throughout the generalised winding--as suggested, by virtue of its
continuously graduated character through a complete range of obliquity
etc.--, and secondarily, as the function of the capacity for a
sustained integration of its components of resultant inductance, more
especially during the alternation effect (in which the general
integration of resultants within the wave dynamic tends to the
converse phase extremity), and it is in this latter regard in
particular that that characteristic feature of any natural system--and
that definitive of its resonance status (and by inference, its
capacity for extension, as in a generalised A.C. circuit)--, the
capacity for a uniform dynamic of alternation, is considered to
To reiterate then, it is to be understood that the fundamental element
of the dynamic of reorientation--that is, the essential principle of
EM induction (by virtue of the peculiar relation of Fe26 cohesive
resonance status in the ferro-magnetic condition of its more-or-less
permanent reorientation to that of the relative polarisation of its
cohesive recurrence dynamics or configuration, distribution of
polarity etc.; and Cu29 in the metallic form)--is the capacity to
induce a condition of organised turbulence within the Cu29 cohesive
matrix in which the phase equilibration dynamics of reversion (to the
resting state) are facilitated and enhanced...The definitive effect of
this condition is further conceived as the alignment at 90 degrees of
all possible vector/components of cohesive resultant existing in a
vector equivalence by virtue of that integrated reorientation (at a
given moment), and whose phase relation considered in terms of a
principle of cohesive wave recurrence may be thought of as "converse
phase" (that is, maximally dis-synchronous)--thus, a uniformity of so-
termed converse phase vector alignment (cpva) at 90 degrees--, such
that, by implication, the effect manifesting as reversion or current
is facilitated... What is imagined is that this effect is optimal in
the proposed apparatus; so that a maximisation of the quality or
resonance status of the system, in this case, an extended A.C.
circuit, is considered to arise (within C.I.T. dynamics by virtue of
its intrinsic form and structure etc.: effectively a model, it is
supposed, of optimising natural resonance process whose emulation is
necessary for the desired increase in efficiency)..
In a general sense then (in any process of EM induction), the
phenomenon of wave alternation is considered to be facilitated by the
nature of the reorienting principle itself, of the inter-relation of
the effects of cpva at 90 degrees arising in reorientation, and phase
equilibration or resolution deriving implicitly from it, so that,
given that such alternation represents that of overall cohesive
resultant referable or with respect to some given spatial framework or
fundamental spatial axis (e.g. the lateral or longitudinal axes of the
winding)--thus, the alternation of the relative predominance of either
of the two co-existing essentially contrary tendencies in
reorientation considered with respect to fundamental wave nodes in the
winding (archetypally in C.I.T., those defining the 'Greater Induction
Loops' etc.)--, and bearing in mind that a converse phase relation may
be thought to define that of both the states of Fe26 in its polarised
or ferro-magnetic states at its so-called North and South poles, and
those contrarily tending states of rotational or torsional
reorientation induced in the Cu29 cohesive matrix [See Diagrams 4/4a]
whose field resultants may be conceived to arise at right angles to
each other (in the context of the copper loop--as in Diagram 2; and
are propagated thus in the winding as wave aspects/components), the
definitive effect of cpva at 90 degrees, if it is indeed to be
enhanced generally within the context of continuous EM induction in
which the capacity for an acute change in relative predominance of the
two principal co-existing tendencies in cohesive reorientation--
represented by those c.p. vectors etc.-- is implied, must be supposed,
of itself, to facilitate a correspondingly optimal alternation dynamic
or principle...
Now, with respect to the conception of co-existing tendencies or
conditions in reorientation, this is to be understood to mean the two
laterally contrariwise torsional aspects of reorientation deriving--
whether in oblique planes of induction or otherwise--at North and
South ferro-magnetic inductive nodes, whose field resultants may
generally be considered to arise in an essentially perpendicular
relation (in the horizontal plane) as they propagate through the Cu29
cohesive matrix, and which, in concert are conceived to imply the
facility for reversion through planar conduits of cohesive phase
equilibration at 90 degrees to the reorienting effect; thus, referring
to Diagram 4 [Model of Rotational Effect], if considered in component
terms, conditions of reorientation whose oscillatory cohesive (or
'field') resultant constitutes a wave function in the winding, the
reversion dynamics of which will correspondingly conform to such an
oscillatory or alternating wave dynamic (notwithstanding the inherent
effect that components of reversion are defined in one direction, in
longitudinal component in opposition to reorientation etc., as the
wave effect propagates longitudinally in the winding)..
In practice then, attempts to enhance the inductive effect contingent
upon integration of increased components of inductance (that is,
integration of disparity) attending necessarily to enhancement of both
the dynamics of phase equilibration intrinsic to and definitive of the
phenomenon of EM induction, and of the principle of alternation upon
which any such enhancement of integration depends, are those to
institute an integrated wave dynamic--of reorientation of cohesive
dynamics and resolution/reversion-- in such a context of continuous
induction, the essential condition within which, in contradistinction
to the case conventional EM induction in which such alternation arises
during periods of relaxation of the inductive effect, is the
simultaneous convergence upon a common point--a nodal point arising
regularly throughout the winding etc.--of contrary tendencies in
cohesive resultant, periodically during the rotation cycle.. (Note
that 'alternation' in the ordinary sense of the V/I wave represents an
alternation in resultant field direction equivalent in Theory of
Cohesive Space to integrated cohesive resultant rendered in 2-D, in
the plane lateral to the winding for example)...
Such then (by virtue of the intrinsic geometry of C.I.T. apparatus),
is brought about by a momentary change (developing in the 10 degrees
of rotatory cycle prior to alternation) in relative predominance in
the two generalised and co-existing conditions constantly prevailing
within the winding in this apparatus (that is, those simultaneously
due to induction or reorientation by the N and S fields etc.)
according to which the overall cohesive resultant acutely changes
direction with respect to, say, the lateral plane etc... Those
particular loci or regions of loci around which this occurs (i.e. that
area adjacent to the diametric element of the ferro-magnetic core: the
X-point, repeated for every 180 degree progression of lap-winding
etc.), become the only nodal points in the winding at which complete
or maximal alternation occurs--by virtue of the imagined 'conditioning
effect' of the core field upon the external inductive field to be
discussed later--, thus analogous to the induction nodes in
conventional A.C. (i.e. those points in the loop at which induction is
repeatedly concentrated in conventional systems), and which may
accordingly be thought in these terms of conventional A.C. to move
explicitly between N and S field positions of maximal intensity during
the rotation/alternation cycle of 90 degrees (i.e. position of maximal
intensity is imagined to occur in E-positions of the core, E1-4,
notwithstanding the Switch Effect, and indeed, facilitated by it; e.g.
if motion is E1n to E2s, E2 switches to N at moment of passage of X-
point of core etc., while E4 switches to S; E1 and E3 remain the
Electrical Conductivity..
With respect to the idea of conductivity then, and its potential for
enhancement, what is envisaged (in C.I.T. function) is that not only
is the effect of reorientation (against the inherent tendencies of
inertia manifesting as the phenomenon of inductance itself)
considerably enhanced per unit time for a given copper circuit, but
that the essential or inherent geometry of dynamic inductive relations
in the device permits both an enhanced integration of this effect
(that is, integration of components of reorientation or inductance
resultant: EMF/voltage; according to which the entire copper winding
and ideally the extended circuit in which the effect propagates,
constitutes an expanded context for optimising dynamics of both
reorientation and reversion definitive of the electrical effect of
A.C.), and what is inferred here to amount to the same thing, an
increased facility with which reversion may occur relatively
independent of this reorientation--which is to say, relatively free in
component from the primary inductive dynamic of reorientation of
cohesive relations in Cu29: And it is the potential for this effect
within a continuous integrated inductive context which is the
essential subject of the experiment..
In terms of conventional ideas of phenomenal V and I, these aspects
are conceived in C.I.T. dynamics to be capable of variable phase
separation (in strict phase at the point of wave alternation only),
each such aspect considered discreetly to manifest the condition of
increased wave conduction of the effects to which they correspond--
reorientation and reversion--throughout the Cu29 cohesive medium or
circuit.. That is, since it is evident in such a conception that the
effect of reorientation or inductance/induction is continuous and
pervasive over the entire winding (moreover operating in planes over
the entire range of of obliquity), it may be surmised that the
imagined phenomenon of an optimal relation of the two aspects--V and
I, reorientation and reversion--is contingent upon a variable phase
separation between them, ipso facto..
It is therefore necessary to conceive of a mode of continuity within
the continuous winding loop (the greater "nodal loop" in particular,
implied by the progressive lap-type or coil-like configuration of the
winding) by which components of intrinsically inter-related V and I
may constitute such an integrated wave effect then capable of an
enhancement (towards an optimising uniformity and consistency of
alignment of disparate components), imagined as the function of the
continuous graduation of resultants--in this case, by virtue of the
uniformly graduated and variable form of the inductive effect implied
by the presence of the helical magnetic core within the primary
external field--, effectively resultant pressure vectors defining the
tendencies in relation of reorientation from and reversion to the
resting Cu29 state.. It is to be borne in mind in addition that in
conventional A.C. induction, the ordinary form of the V/I phase wave,
as a sine wave, represents the optimal, maximising relation of these
aspects in conditions of a multiplied loop structure (that is, a
multiplication of loops passing simultaneously through the same
inductive field) reflecting the fundamentally lateral relation of the
inductive field to the wiring loop, or perpendicular orientation of
loop to field.. In this conventional configuration, the winding
becomes principally merely a conduit for the propagation of the effect
of reorientation generated at fixed specific points (in this article,
to be described as 'induction nodes')--those repeatedly passing
through the primary inductive field (that is, N and S magnetic poles
elaborated by field coils or permanent magnets etc.)--regularly spaced
in the winding by virtue of its system of loop multiplication, an
interrupted and discontinuous form of induction in which wave
propagation contingent for its sustenance only upon such multiplying
amplification of a fixed effect is bound to diminish dramatically in
any extended circuit or context.. (This is not to say that the
principle in C.I.T. induction is not contingent upon a multiplication
of loops, only that loops are arrayed in an incrementally progressive
relation to each other within an entirely pervasive inductive field)..
In any form of EM induction, the resultant relation between effects of
reorientation arising at the two magnetic interfaces, North and South
poles, is, as suggested, a 90 degree counter-rotatory twisting effect,
amplified in propagation only by multiplication of successive loops to
constitute the A.C. waveform, which facilitates resolution/reversion
to the resting state throughout what become continuous planar conduits
of phase equivalence in cohesive dynamics: as mentioned, "phase
equilibration" dynamics [See Diagrams 4/4a].. That is, a more-or-less
continuous planar conduit of cohesive equilibration (analogous to a
cleavage plane), thus, for example, capable of definition in terms of
pressure/tension, is facilitated in EM induction by the geometric
relations implied in the dynamic reorientation of Cu29 status--or
definitive dynamics of cohesive recurrence (tendencies to wave
recurrence are inherent to cohesive space or cohesive relations, since
these latter are, by nature, self-propagating in particular spatial
directions by virtue of their fundamental inequality and disparity,
and disposed innately to recreate or reproduce the conditions of their
occurrence: this is to say that the very nature of cohesion--and
cohesive relations--is recurrent, and spatially directional)--; and it
is this effect, primarily due to enhanced facility in the
reorientation aspect, which is considerably enhanced in C.I.T.
dynamics.. [And here it might also be proposed that, while an imagined
increase in facility in rotatory work--if it is to be supposed that
such modification of inductive inertia by virtue of intrinsic
relations within the C.I.T. actually allows rotatory work to be
applied at a greater rate to the turbine rotor--does not equate to
increased efficiency per se, any conceivable increase in the rate at
which work may be applied to the rotor should also imply a greater
availability of electrical power]...
With respect then to the mechanisms of continuous integrated induction
envisaged, several principal aspects may be discerned: first, the
effect by which components of EM induction (that is, components of
inductance implied by the relations of inductive torque capable of
reorienting dynamics of cohesive space within and definitive of Cu29
state or form, or its essential configuration of cohesive wave
recurrence, in the parlance of this theoretical construction) arising
simultaneously at variably disparate and remote points in the Cu29
winding may be supposed to integrate as components of a generalised
and singular voltage waveform (which is to say, implying the potential
for reversion as current; thus, in reversion, 'current flow' as a wave
dynamic of cohesive phase equilibration etc.) by virtue of the
geometric relations within the winding and the apparatus generally
(that is, by virtue of its resultant inductive field considered as the
dynamic function of the relation of core magnetic field to the
variable exterior field elaborated in 12 field coils etc.); and
secondly, the more precise mechanics by which such a singular or
single phase A.C. wave is conceived periodically to alternate in
polarity at or around given nodes in the winding at specific junctures
in the rotatory cycle, principally defined by 90 degree intervals of
core rotation... In this regard, the effects that disparate and remote
elements of the progressive lap-type winding oriented in opposing
directions are subject to essentially the same inductive influence,
and that analogous segments/elements of winding loops situated
remotely in the winding are subject to both common and opposing
inductive influence, become the key consideration in proposing such an
integration of inductive effect or inductance, within a single wave
(comprising V and I aspects in variable phase relation etc.)
alternating at common nodes..
The A.C. wave becomes progressive in the typical sense of wave
dynamics by virtue of the general effect that components of voltage
(reorientation) and 'current' (resolution/reversion) constitute
optimally inter-dependent aspects (which is also to say, optimally
independent) of such a wave, conceived in component (that is, as an
integrating electro-magnetic field effect etc.) to exist in a variable
and inherently optimising inter-relation, and to behave with the
vector properties of a wave within the medium of the circuit.. At its
base, this variable optimising relation between V and I is analogous
to the effect--seen in bio-dynamics generally, and more particularly
in human and mammalian cardio-vascular and respiratory dynamics (e.g.
see 'Starling's Law etc.)--that, in sustaining, by manipulated
continuity in this context, an optimising integration of components of
realignment or reorientation amounting to polarisation (thus
maximisation of voltage/'potential difference'), a capacity for the
effective delay of resolution or reversion is implied until some
threshold point at which an optimisation of that reversion or
'current' as a similarly sustained continuous effect correspondingly
occurs..[See later heading: Orthocube Effect]..
And while a general argument may be proposed that, since the core/
armature rotor complex may be supposed in principle to be capable of
rotation merely through the operation of a D.C.-powered rotating
magnetic field elaborated in the exterior field coil configuration
(i.e. 4 of 12 field coils constituting the external inductive field
periodically alternate in polarity etc.), the facility with which work
upon the turbine rotor in a given time is increased (that is, with the
inference that electrical output expressed as work in joules is
correspondingly increased in a given time: presumably implying
increased available power etc.), such a perspective devolves to two
ideas: first, that inductance generally within the armature is raised
to optima of efficiency with respect to the relation of inductor to
inducing field, thus, secondly, that this amounts to an actual
relative augmentation of core rotation per time in certain components
of this more general relation (all of which is argued to infer the
enhancement of electrical efficiency, principally through the implied
effect of enhanced conductivity, in the greater context proposed)...
It may also be said that the very principle of continuous integrated
(single phase) induction, were it demonstrated to succeed here
constitutes only the equivalent of the introduction of the 'inclined
plane' mechanics into the EM inductive dynamic (that is, by virtue of
the helical form of the magnetic core, essentially that of a magnetic
propeller etc.).. What must also be emphasised at the outset is that,
while much of what is proposed and argued here is speculative, and no
doubt contentious, the assertions made are considered not only to be
worthy of experimental testing, if not actual verification, but to be
incapable of reduction to any more elementary basis than that embodied
in the essential form of this C.I.T. apparatus..
The second proposition then, essentially speculative (given the first,
that the imagined enhancement in overall efficiency is possible and
actual), is that the inference of a therefore optimally efficient A.C.
wave dynamic is further that its form and associated electromagnetic
properties may not only yield hitherto unrealised benefits (for
example, in the more efficient electrolysis of water to produce
Hydrogen gas*), but that, since the imagined electro-dynamics are
conceived as essentially analogous to both the fundamental cohesive
dynamics of space, and those of the human and more general bio-
organism--so that this device is considered, for example, an
electrical model of the human heart etc.--, what are considered here
to be the primitive and dangerous disjunctions and disparities between
EM fields associated with conventional A.C. generation and the
intrinsic electro-magnetic dynamics of the human bio-organism in
particular (manifesting or deriving, for example, in the activity of
enzymes of the mitochondrial 'electron-transport chain', Cytochrome
Oxidase in particular), may be significantly ameliorated: therefore,
by virtue of what may be understood as the 'bio-compatible' character
of A.C. dynamics proposed to arise in this C.I.T., and its EM fields..
* What is conceived here is a more efficient re-polarisation (as the
function of displacement of the tendency to reversion sustained in the
Cu29 circuit by persistent EMF etc.), effectively a more efficient
cleavage within the H1-O8 continuum into its constituents, the
hydrogen and oxygen molecular gaseous states (thus, H1 to its more
resonant form, O8 to its less resonant or more turbulent variant), by
virtue of the character of the A.C. waveform itself (in a mechanism
akin to that in the photo-systems of plant chlorophyll in which an
interplay of Mg12 states encourages O8 into its molecular state, in
the effectively explosive aspect of the dichotomy in dynamics of which
the retention of H1 in the form of plan carbohydrates for example, is
the implosive aspect: conversely n mammalian mitochondria).. Further,
some mechanism of applying A.C. directly, say to rotating electrodes,
or electrodes in a rotational relation (e.g. a central cathode and
migrating rotatory anode etc.) is envisaged to facilitate this
enhanced electrolytic effect..
[Further speculation in this regard may be found at c.i.turbine.
12@gmail.com; and any questions may be similarly addressed]...
http:// magneticcorepropellergenerator.blogspot.com
At this 'blog address' may be found plans, specifications and a
lengthy text with pictures and diagrams on the subject of a novel form
of Alternating Current Electricity and the mechanism of its
Generation.. The intention of this presentation generally is simply to
invite anyone suitably inspired to construct this device, a modest and
inexpensive undertaking of itself--and quite straightforward--, but
one which nevertheless requires a certain electrical engineering know-
how, if not expertise (the device is essentially an electrical
generator), and more especially, a degree of dedication to the task,
since despite my best efforts over a lengthy period to present the
design and general hypothesis in its correct entirety, certain details
may need ironing out, so to speak.. My hope is simply that someone may
wish to investigate the idea further, perhaps in the first place by
subjecting it for example, if such is indeed possible, to the rigours
of computer simulation..
I should add that what is termed a 'theory of cohesive space', a
rudimentary unifying theory I suppose, is specifically alluded to in
the text, and while it is not critical to the argument prima facie, a
successful outcome will likely lend weight to certain of its
perspectives, more particularly those concerning the issues of
electricity and magnetism pertinent to the operation of the
experimental apparatus, a useful subsidiary product of the endeavour
at the very least..
Also, while the primary and ostensible property of this apparatus--the
Continuous Induction Turbine or Generator-- is, it is argued, to
enhance significantly the efficiency of conduction of Alternating
Current--by the inference of the argument, the efficiency of electro-
magnetic induction itself (through the elaboration of a new wave-form
of voltage and current)--, its eventual principal purpose may likely
prove beyond that meagre basic objective, as you may read.. And while
it is by no means certain either that this turbine will function as
suggested or even at all, what it purports to propose as possible and
the sense of its method seem to me well worth investigation,
particularly since this would, in the proper hands, be relatively
cheap and easy to do: the rewards of its success are almost
{text for: magneticcorepropellergenerator.blogspot.com}..
[For publication under the title: Continuous Induction Turbine:
Integrated single phase alternating current generator--or single phase
integrated wave A.C. in a magnetic core propeller generator]... In
preface, the following argument regarding inductive/conductive
efficiency of A.C. refers to the unmodified state of the sinusoidal
A.C. waveform in conventional systems: that is, in general terms,
without computer-aided synthesis of complex sine wave resultants..
The following are plans and specifications for a system of electro-
magnetic induction of Alternating Current whose primary apparatus is
termed herein a Continuous Induction Turbine (C.I.T.) or Alternator
(alternatively, "Magnetic Core Propeller Generator"), in order
principally to distinguish it from what is to be regarded
comparatively as the interrupted or discontinuous EM induction*
characteristic of and inherent in conventional systems of A.C.
generation, whether single or poly-phase; accordingly, such is
envisaged as--and indeed, is conceived to represent an experiment in
the possibility of--a system of integrated single phase A.C., as
opposed to multiplied sine wave A.C, deriving in the single winding of
an A.C. generator in which all parts of that winding are exposed
continuously to some inductive influence...
The implication of this publication is an invitation to those
interested in its potential--in the first place, conceived as that for
the enhancement of efficiency within an entire delivery system of
Alternating Current, essentially by virtue of increased facility of
conduction in the extended circuit--, freely to develop a functioning
prototype, and whatever may follow from that.. It should be noted at
the outset that, while the idea itself arose as a more-or-less
complete conception, there was little comprehension at the time on my
part of either the explanations proffered here regarding its supposed
purpose, or what was then developed as the further theoretical basis
for its function, both in terms of conventional electrical theory and
physics, and what has since been elaborated as an exposition in the
fundamental physics of cohesive space capable of accommodating a
greater intelligence of that function.. The accompanying propositions
concerning its function therefore, while expressed from various
perspectives in conventional electrical theory, are to be understood
merely as attempts by someone essentially untrained in such doctrine
to explain, in ordinarily intelligible terms, and essentially from
first principles (which is to say, according to a singular principle,
and an effectively singular metaphysical premise and perspective),
such a conception and device, and its imagined purpose...
The first proposition then, concerning such a conception and the
validity of any assertion regarding the potential for the imagined
apparatus to increase electrical efficiency generally within an
extended A.C. circuit (the generator and its delivery system),
naturally addresses the question of its purported necessity; that is,
considers in what sense it may be argued that any significant
potential exists for an increase in EM inductive efficiency in the
generalised context, in the face of the fact that conventional A.C.
generators are essentially capable of operating with almost maximal
efficiency, if such is to be defined as the relation between rotatory
mechanical work applied to a turbine rotor and electrical output
expressed in terms of joules of 'electrical energy'.. To answer this
question--bearing in mind that this apparatus represents only an
experiment in the validity of the following argument--, one need only
pose the idea that, in spite of this putative efficiency of
conventional EM induction (that is, the tendency to equivalence of
electrical output with mechanical work input etc.), when such
electrical output is to be conducted as A.C. within any exterior
circuit, such efficiency diminishes considerably: this is, in the
first instance, merely to suggest that overall EM inductive efficiency
must include all aspects of efficiency, both EM inductive efficiency
within the armature, and the capacity for the conduction of the A.C.
wave throughout the copper wire circuit with corresponding efficiency:
thus, to suggest that, considered as aspects of a single effect, an
evidently inherent inefficiency in conductive efficiency (in
conventional A.C. generation) amounts to a fundamental inefficiency in
EM induction itself, imagined therefore as potentially capable of
redress through appropriate modification and reconfiguration of basic
inductive relations, and indeed, of the fundamental character of the
A.C. waveform itself (more particularly, it is suggested, of the
relation of its voltage and current components)...
From this premise and perspective then (of the potential for both
enhanced efficiency and the proposition of an experimental prototype
to verify it), if it is supposed that such an increase in overall
efficiency in the greater A.C. circuit is possible, certain conditions
inherent in the EM inductive mechanism (notably the effect of
inductive inertia in that generalised context, expressed in the Laws
of Inductance etc.: Lenz's Law) must also be understood to be capable
of significant modification, effectively to enhance the generalised
conduction and integration of V and I aspects of the A.C. wave form/
function (that is, rather than to imagine any strict increase in
electrical output for some given rotatory work upon the turbine rotor
etc.); so that in examining the configuration of this apparatus, for
example, its geometry and dynamic inductive relations--of ferro-
magnetic core, external field and armature winding--, various
perspectives become apparent in terms of conventional electro-dynamics
according to which such may be more than intuitively realised..
Of these perspectives, those concerning principles in conventional
electrical theory are broadly those [a]...which might be said to
concern the mechanics of EM induction itself--that is, the sense in
which the geometric configuration of inductive relations including
those components arising by virtue of the presence and effect of a
helically-configured ferro-magnetic core, implies the potential for an
integration of components of EMF continuously generated over the
entire winding circuit into a single phase A.C. wave which, it is
held, while conforming in its origin to the basic principle of
conventional EM induction (in which the waveform is the product of the
elaboration of multiple successive--or consecutive--induction
segments, arising in successive serial loops and comprising identical
distortions, effectively a twisting effect of reorientation over such
segments caused by counter-rotatory pressure/tension upon the copper
matrix of cohesive dynamics during its passage through the inductive
magnetic field or interface), and its alternating aspect, represents a
vastly enhanced mode of integration of induction resultants.. Thus,
for example, as will be explained further, what may be termed and
understood as greater or extended induction loops arising by virtue of
the nature of the progressive winding are defined by given
configurations of inductive influence acting remotely in the winding,
within which lesser or component loops are contained (essentially,
classical loop segments formed by the lap-type winding, and subject to
variably oblique inductive influence) such that a continual and
uniformly graduated elaboration of induction resultants occurs which,
it is supposed, is capable inherently of integration into a single
phase A.C. wave effect in the circuit; further, it is supposed, by its
nature capable of generalised conduction through the greater circuit
with vastly enhanced facility as the extrapolation of the primary
effect: Thus, a more efficient A.C. wave effect is generated, by
virtue of its fundamental electro-dynamic form..
....and those principles ...(including certain ideas pertaining to
the manner in which inductive inertia--or inductance per se--may be
thought to be modified, by virtue of the geometric configuration of
the device etc.: thus, implying a greater facility with which rotatory
work may be applied to the generator rotor per unit time) according to
which what amounts to an increased effective electrical output
considered over the entire extended A.C. circuit in such an instance
may be reckoned in terms of diminished effective electrical resistance
in that circuit: that is, in terms of resistance and Impedance,
considered both as intrinsic properties of the A.C. wave and its
conductive context; and with respect to impedance, inevitably, the
basic relation of V and I (In this context, it is useful to imagine,
for example, that induction is occurring within a winding
configuration which is essentially coil-like)...
In short, the question becomes, with respect to the notion of an
integration of available resultant components of EM induction and its
imagined enhancement, the more precise basis in electro-dynamics
(particularly regarding V and I conceived as more-or-less discreet
aspects of the inductive effect) for this supposition that the form
and dynamics of such an A.C. wave will indeed represent a manifestly
more efficient conductive effect within the copper circuit.. And in
seeking to answer this question in general terms therefore, one
arrives at a view of electrical conduction--more specifically A.C.
conduction--which permits not only the idea of "electrical friction"
in conventional A.C. technology, but that of its modification,
principally, it is imagined, through the modification of conditions of
inertia in the EM inductive mechanism--which is to say, inductance
itself--, according to which an increased facility with which the
reorientation of dynamics (of cohesive recurrence) within copper metal
constituting the inductive effect (inductance) of voltage V in some
given time (by virtue of a generalised integration of components of
inductance) facilitates and indeed effectively amounts to an
enhancement of the effect through which the resolution of that
distorting condition occurs as current I; both aspects of the effect
thus capable of enhanced and effectively optimal transmission through
a circuit as a wave phenomenon...
This, it is supposed, arises by virtue of what is essentially a
modification towards continuous induction in which all components of
inductance (or reorientation of Cu29 cohesive dynamics**) arising
within an entirety of the armature winding exposed directly to the
inductive influence at all times are then integrated, by virtue of the
intrinsic configuration of the apparatus and its variable inductive
relations, into a single phase wave of A.C. (i.e. single phase, but
comprising variably phase-related V and I aspects).. As has been
intimated, this inevitably leads to a consideration--in terms of
conventional electrical theory--of the potential for a modification of
inherent Impedance in the A.C. circuit, through that of the relation
of V and I, and the essential waveform of these variably related
aspects: reorientation V, and reversion/resolution I of fundamental
and definitive cohesive relations within the Cu29 form...
The Physics of Cohesive Space...
**To understand what is asserted here then, particularly with respect
to the further idea of conductivity of A.C. within the Cu29 medium, it
is necessary to elaborate somewhat upon the fundamental notions of
voltage and current as they are to be interpreted in this context,
based on a revised understanding of the phenomenon of electricity
itself, described in terms of a comprehensive physics of space:
broadly, the conception of cohesive space mentioned in which the
fundamental unitary force within all space (and in this unifying
conception, only space exists) may simply be understood to be
"cohesive" in its essence--or, to coin a term, "proto-
gravitational"--, such that the governing and correspondingly singular
dynamic within metaphysically homogeneous space, conceived similarly
as the common substrate of all form or reality (characterised by
innate disparities in cohesive relations between spatial loci defined
only by such relations, with all other loci, infinitely and
eternally), is merely the resolution towards a common state of
idealising Resonance, of all such relations: that is, towards a state
of Ideal Alignment of components of cohesive disparity or polarity
which can only be comprehended in discriminative terms as that, in the
first place, of all such components--effectively of motive, and
apparent tendencies in the elaboration of form, or formal reality,
when considered in the dynamic context of a Process of Resonance
(effectively therefore, resolution of relative turbulence)--with each
other, as in temporary systems and form etc., thus towards conditions
of cohesive equilibrium within the whole (alternatively conceived,
towards localised cohesive equilibria whose essential tendency is
naturally extensive, according to the Principle of Resonance, as the
definitive Intention of Spatial Reality conceived in such terms:
Resonance, as an innate tendency and status may be considered
"inductive" by such reasoning), and, secondly, with some Ultimate or
Absolute Unity of Perfection implicit in all dynamics, of itself
incapable of Conception; nonetheless, the tendency to inconceivable or
non-existent "end" or archetype is the necessary inference of any
attempt to imbue the metaphysical Unity of Cosmos or Creation with the
axiomatically Singular Intention implicit, in Reason, in the Fact of
Existence.. Existence is conceived as a Self-creating Entity in
Eternity whose Singular Principle may therefore most simply be
imagined as that of Cohesive Resonance..
It is important to understand in this conception that properties of
mass, force (rudiments of charge; dualised to an improper equivalence
in orthodox physics) and so on are functions of states of resonance--
that is, integration or alignment of fundamental motives or polarities
in cohesive relation--within cohesive dynamics; gravitational
relations, for example, merely manifest integration in such cohesive
dynamics in specific and essentially ill-defined contexts, and to the
extent that such are considered functions of mass may be regarded to
derive in qualities and degrees of cohesive resonance--which is to
say, states of cohesive wave recurrence--of which such characteristics
of mass etc., to be imagined as properties of relative turbulence, are
also the function..(Ra88 manifests an ostensible limit in a scale of
turbulence/resonance, capable of analysis in terms of the mathematical
harmonics of 'cubic' cohesive space, of which the H1 state represents
the upper limit, of optimal resonance apprehensible as a definitive
elemental form)..
Such a conception considers 'voltage' the function of a reorientation
in the characteristic cohesive dynamics or relations definitive of
copper (Cu29) in the metallic form, that is, the state of cohesive
resonance manifesting as Cu29 in the metallic form, according to which
a state of "cupro-magnetism" arises (in A.C. dynamics, a wave of such
is effectively propagated through the medium, or circuit, thus as an
effect of variably uniform turbulence within cohesive space, or more
specifically, within the dynamic status of cohesive recurrence or
resonance definitive of Cu29); and considers 'current' the actual
dynamic of reversion to the initial state facilitated within
intersecting planar conduits oriented geometrically, by intrinsic
proclivity, at right angles to the pathways of rotatory
In general terms therefore, if the phenomenon of A.C. electricity is
to be regarded thus, as the natural restoration to resonance status in
Cu29 following the institution of a more-or-less organised wave of
reorientation equivalent to turbulence artificially induced in the
Cu29 matrix (moreover, quite probably such restoration further implies
a tendency for Cu29 to revert to its higher resonance oxide states),
then what is imagined in C.I.T. dynamics is essentially that this
analogue of the generalised system of Natural Resonance is
fundamentally improved or enhanced--merely by emulation--, thus that
the resulting C.I.T. A.C. wave dynamic represents an optimisation of
an artificial resonance process, of reorientation and reversion, by
virtue of a concordance and similitude with fundamental Resonance
Process; in particular, with the basic oscillatory or alternating
principle intrinsic to any and all systems of natural cohesive
It is to be understood here that the wave alternation dynamic--
essentially an integration of dynamics of cohesive wave recurrence; to
reiterate, cohesive relations by their nature incline to be spatially
recurrent, according to which tendency a progressive wave dynamic is
elaborated between points or loci defined by similar cohesive
relations in given more-or-less dominant spatial directions,
ordinarily, the fundamental poles and axes of 3-dimensional cubic
space etc.; and according to which resultants in cohesive relation or
disparity between loci defining such a wave function, naturally
alternate in a variably regular fashion in various principal spatial
directions--, is the innate function of the tendency for fundamental
cohesive disparity or disequilibrium--in the Cosmos and all aspects,
form, systems etc.--to resolve towards Alignment or Resonance
(nevertheless according to ultimately unknowable parameters of
integration or resonance), thus towards an idealising condition of
cohesive equilibrium in which the elaboration of the perfectly
converse phase relation between loci implied by such an equilibrium
infers a cessation of motive/motion within existential space; so that,
while all natural and artificial systems are characterised
intrinsically and ostensibly by a range of relative turbulence or
resonance, their definitive process is always towards the greater
Resonance Status of the Whole, or in principle, towards Cosmic
All natural systems and phenomena--in particular, the human organism,
as exemplified by properties of breath etc.--are therefore defined by
properties of Resonance, more-or-less evident in terms of a certain
uniformity with respect to both the range of disparity between
components of cohesive resultant or polarity, and their configurations
of distribution, as, for example, during various more-or-less
predominant cycles of cohesive wave recurrence: which is to say that
form and systems, natural and otherwise, are defined by a wave
dynamic, effectively an intricate interference pattern, of cohesive
resonance/turbulence, whose fundamental and definitive feature is an
effectively stabilising oscillatory principle, or alternating
dynamic.. Moreover, in general terms, and particularly with respect to
the bio-organism, the overall and ultimate quality or efficiency of
any system is essentially the function of its quality or status of
cohesive resonance, and it is the imitation of such to which this
C.I.T. apparatus would aspire..
This, it is imagined, is to be achieved, as will be explained briefly,
through an optimisation of the potential for so-called "phase
equilibration" dynamics according to which restoration of resonance
(i.e. reversion/'current') is facilitated, in the first place, by an
optimising consistency or uniformity in the reorientation effect
throughout the generalised winding--as suggested, by virtue of its
continuously graduated character through a complete range of obliquity
etc.--, and secondarily, as the function of the capacity for a
sustained integration of its components of resultant inductance, more
especially during the alternation effect (in which the general
integration of resultants within the wave dynamic tends to the
converse phase extremity), and it is in this latter regard in
particular that that characteristic feature of any natural system--and
that definitive of its resonance status (and by inference, its
capacity for extension, as in a generalised A.C. circuit)--, the
capacity for a uniform dynamic of alternation, is considered to
To reiterate then, it is to be understood that the fundamental element
of the dynamic of reorientation--that is, the essential principle of
EM induction (by virtue of the peculiar relation of Fe26 cohesive
resonance status in the ferro-magnetic condition of its more-or-less
permanent reorientation to that of the relative polarisation of its
cohesive recurrence dynamics or configuration, distribution of
polarity etc.; and Cu29 in the metallic form)--is the capacity to
induce a condition of organised turbulence within the Cu29 cohesive
matrix in which the phase equilibration dynamics of reversion (to the
resting state) are facilitated and enhanced...The definitive effect of
this condition is further conceived as the alignment at 90 degrees of
all possible vector/components of cohesive resultant existing in a
vector equivalence by virtue of that integrated reorientation (at a
given moment), and whose phase relation considered in terms of a
principle of cohesive wave recurrence may be thought of as "converse
phase" (that is, maximally dis-synchronous)--thus, a uniformity of so-
termed converse phase vector alignment (cpva) at 90 degrees--, such
that, by implication, the effect manifesting as reversion or current
is facilitated... What is imagined is that this effect is optimal in
the proposed apparatus; so that a maximisation of the quality or
resonance status of the system, in this case, an extended A.C.
circuit, is considered to arise (within C.I.T. dynamics by virtue of
its intrinsic form and structure etc.: effectively a model, it is
supposed, of optimising natural resonance process whose emulation is
necessary for the desired increase in efficiency)..
In a general sense then (in any process of EM induction), the
phenomenon of wave alternation is considered to be facilitated by the
nature of the reorienting principle itself, of the inter-relation of
the effects of cpva at 90 degrees arising in reorientation, and phase
equilibration or resolution deriving implicitly from it, so that,
given that such alternation represents that of overall cohesive
resultant referable or with respect to some given spatial framework or
fundamental spatial axis (e.g. the lateral or longitudinal axes of the
winding)--thus, the alternation of the relative predominance of either
of the two co-existing essentially contrary tendencies in
reorientation considered with respect to fundamental wave nodes in the
winding (archetypally in C.I.T., those defining the 'Greater Induction
Loops' etc.)--, and bearing in mind that a converse phase relation may
be thought to define that of both the states of Fe26 in its polarised
or ferro-magnetic states at its so-called North and South poles, and
those contrarily tending states of rotational or torsional
reorientation induced in the Cu29 cohesive matrix [See Diagrams 4/4a]
whose field resultants may be conceived to arise at right angles to
each other (in the context of the copper loop--as in Diagram 2; and
are propagated thus in the winding as wave aspects/components), the
definitive effect of cpva at 90 degrees, if it is indeed to be
enhanced generally within the context of continuous EM induction in
which the capacity for an acute change in relative predominance of the
two principal co-existing tendencies in cohesive reorientation--
represented by those c.p. vectors etc.-- is implied, must be supposed,
of itself, to facilitate a correspondingly optimal alternation dynamic
or principle...
Now, with respect to the conception of co-existing tendencies or
conditions in reorientation, this is to be understood to mean the two
laterally contrariwise torsional aspects of reorientation deriving--
whether in oblique planes of induction or otherwise--at North and
South ferro-magnetic inductive nodes, whose field resultants may
generally be considered to arise in an essentially perpendicular
relation (in the horizontal plane) as they propagate through the Cu29
cohesive matrix, and which, in concert are conceived to imply the
facility for reversion through planar conduits of cohesive phase
equilibration at 90 degrees to the reorienting effect; thus, referring
to Diagram 4 [Model of Rotational Effect], if considered in component
terms, conditions of reorientation whose oscillatory cohesive (or
'field') resultant constitutes a wave function in the winding, the
reversion dynamics of which will correspondingly conform to such an
oscillatory or alternating wave dynamic (notwithstanding the inherent
effect that components of reversion are defined in one direction, in
longitudinal component in opposition to reorientation etc., as the
wave effect propagates longitudinally in the winding)..
In practice then, attempts to enhance the inductive effect contingent
upon integration of increased components of inductance (that is,
integration of disparity) attending necessarily to enhancement of both
the dynamics of phase equilibration intrinsic to and definitive of the
phenomenon of EM induction, and of the principle of alternation upon
which any such enhancement of integration depends, are those to
institute an integrated wave dynamic--of reorientation of cohesive
dynamics and resolution/reversion-- in such a context of continuous
induction, the essential condition within which, in contradistinction
to the case conventional EM induction in which such alternation arises
during periods of relaxation of the inductive effect, is the
simultaneous convergence upon a common point--a nodal point arising
regularly throughout the winding etc.--of contrary tendencies in
cohesive resultant, periodically during the rotation cycle.. (Note
that 'alternation' in the ordinary sense of the V/I wave represents an
alternation in resultant field direction equivalent in Theory of
Cohesive Space to integrated cohesive resultant rendered in 2-D, in
the plane lateral to the winding for example)...
Such then (by virtue of the intrinsic geometry of C.I.T. apparatus),
is brought about by a momentary change (developing in the 10 degrees
of rotatory cycle prior to alternation) in relative predominance in
the two generalised and co-existing conditions constantly prevailing
within the winding in this apparatus (that is, those simultaneously
due to induction or reorientation by the N and S fields etc.)
according to which the overall cohesive resultant acutely changes
direction with respect to, say, the lateral plane etc... Those
particular loci or regions of loci around which this occurs (i.e. that
area adjacent to the diametric element of the ferro-magnetic core: the
X-point, repeated for every 180 degree progression of lap-winding
etc.), become the only nodal points in the winding at which complete
or maximal alternation occurs--by virtue of the imagined 'conditioning
effect' of the core field upon the external inductive field to be
discussed later--, thus analogous to the induction nodes in
conventional A.C. (i.e. those points in the loop at which induction is
repeatedly concentrated in conventional systems), and which may
accordingly be thought in these terms of conventional A.C. to move
explicitly between N and S field positions of maximal intensity during
the rotation/alternation cycle of 90 degrees (i.e. position of maximal
intensity is imagined to occur in E-positions of the core, E1-4,
notwithstanding the Switch Effect, and indeed, facilitated by it; e.g.
if motion is E1n to E2s, E2 switches to N at moment of passage of X-
point of core etc., while E4 switches to S; E1 and E3 remain the
Electrical Conductivity..
With respect to the idea of conductivity then, and its potential for
enhancement, what is envisaged (in C.I.T. function) is that not only
is the effect of reorientation (against the inherent tendencies of
inertia manifesting as the phenomenon of inductance itself)
considerably enhanced per unit time for a given copper circuit, but
that the essential or inherent geometry of dynamic inductive relations
in the device permits both an enhanced integration of this effect
(that is, integration of components of reorientation or inductance
resultant: EMF/voltage; according to which the entire copper winding
and ideally the extended circuit in which the effect propagates,
constitutes an expanded context for optimising dynamics of both
reorientation and reversion definitive of the electrical effect of
A.C.), and what is inferred here to amount to the same thing, an
increased facility with which reversion may occur relatively
independent of this reorientation--which is to say, relatively free in
component from the primary inductive dynamic of reorientation of
cohesive relations in Cu29: And it is the potential for this effect
within a continuous integrated inductive context which is the
essential subject of the experiment..
In terms of conventional ideas of phenomenal V and I, these aspects
are conceived in C.I.T. dynamics to be capable of variable phase
separation (in strict phase at the point of wave alternation only),
each such aspect considered discreetly to manifest the condition of
increased wave conduction of the effects to which they correspond--
reorientation and reversion--throughout the Cu29 cohesive medium or
circuit.. That is, since it is evident in such a conception that the
effect of reorientation or inductance/induction is continuous and
pervasive over the entire winding (moreover operating in planes over
the entire range of of obliquity), it may be surmised that the
imagined phenomenon of an optimal relation of the two aspects--V and
I, reorientation and reversion--is contingent upon a variable phase
separation between them, ipso facto..
It is therefore necessary to conceive of a mode of continuity within
the continuous winding loop (the greater "nodal loop" in particular,
implied by the progressive lap-type or coil-like configuration of the
winding) by which components of intrinsically inter-related V and I
may constitute such an integrated wave effect then capable of an
enhancement (towards an optimising uniformity and consistency of
alignment of disparate components), imagined as the function of the
continuous graduation of resultants--in this case, by virtue of the
uniformly graduated and variable form of the inductive effect implied
by the presence of the helical magnetic core within the primary
external field--, effectively resultant pressure vectors defining the
tendencies in relation of reorientation from and reversion to the
resting Cu29 state.. It is to be borne in mind in addition that in
conventional A.C. induction, the ordinary form of the V/I phase wave,
as a sine wave, represents the optimal, maximising relation of these
aspects in conditions of a multiplied loop structure (that is, a
multiplication of loops passing simultaneously through the same
inductive field) reflecting the fundamentally lateral relation of the
inductive field to the wiring loop, or perpendicular orientation of
loop to field.. In this conventional configuration, the winding
becomes principally merely a conduit for the propagation of the effect
of reorientation generated at fixed specific points (in this article,
to be described as 'induction nodes')--those repeatedly passing
through the primary inductive field (that is, N and S magnetic poles
elaborated by field coils or permanent magnets etc.)--regularly spaced
in the winding by virtue of its system of loop multiplication, an
interrupted and discontinuous form of induction in which wave
propagation contingent for its sustenance only upon such multiplying
amplification of a fixed effect is bound to diminish dramatically in
any extended circuit or context.. (This is not to say that the
principle in C.I.T. induction is not contingent upon a multiplication
of loops, only that loops are arrayed in an incrementally progressive
relation to each other within an entirely pervasive inductive field)..
In any form of EM induction, the resultant relation between effects of
reorientation arising at the two magnetic interfaces, North and South
poles, is, as suggested, a 90 degree counter-rotatory twisting effect,
amplified in propagation only by multiplication of successive loops to
constitute the A.C. waveform, which facilitates resolution/reversion
to the resting state throughout what become continuous planar conduits
of phase equivalence in cohesive dynamics: as mentioned, "phase
equilibration" dynamics [See Diagrams 4/4a].. That is, a more-or-less
continuous planar conduit of cohesive equilibration (analogous to a
cleavage plane), thus, for example, capable of definition in terms of
pressure/tension, is facilitated in EM induction by the geometric
relations implied in the dynamic reorientation of Cu29 status--or
definitive dynamics of cohesive recurrence (tendencies to wave
recurrence are inherent to cohesive space or cohesive relations, since
these latter are, by nature, self-propagating in particular spatial
directions by virtue of their fundamental inequality and disparity,
and disposed innately to recreate or reproduce the conditions of their
occurrence: this is to say that the very nature of cohesion--and
cohesive relations--is recurrent, and spatially directional)--; and it
is this effect, primarily due to enhanced facility in the
reorientation aspect, which is considerably enhanced in C.I.T.
dynamics.. [And here it might also be proposed that, while an imagined
increase in facility in rotatory work--if it is to be supposed that
such modification of inductive inertia by virtue of intrinsic
relations within the C.I.T. actually allows rotatory work to be
applied at a greater rate to the turbine rotor--does not equate to
increased efficiency per se, any conceivable increase in the rate at
which work may be applied to the rotor should also imply a greater
availability of electrical power]...
With respect then to the mechanisms of continuous integrated induction
envisaged, several principal aspects may be discerned: first, the
effect by which components of EM induction (that is, components of
inductance implied by the relations of inductive torque capable of
reorienting dynamics of cohesive space within and definitive of Cu29
state or form, or its essential configuration of cohesive wave
recurrence, in the parlance of this theoretical construction) arising
simultaneously at variably disparate and remote points in the Cu29
winding may be supposed to integrate as components of a generalised
and singular voltage waveform (which is to say, implying the potential
for reversion as current; thus, in reversion, 'current flow' as a wave
dynamic of cohesive phase equilibration etc.) by virtue of the
geometric relations within the winding and the apparatus generally
(that is, by virtue of its resultant inductive field considered as the
dynamic function of the relation of core magnetic field to the
variable exterior field elaborated in 12 field coils etc.); and
secondly, the more precise mechanics by which such a singular or
single phase A.C. wave is conceived periodically to alternate in
polarity at or around given nodes in the winding at specific junctures
in the rotatory cycle, principally defined by 90 degree intervals of
core rotation... In this regard, the effects that disparate and remote
elements of the progressive lap-type winding oriented in opposing
directions are subject to essentially the same inductive influence,
and that analogous segments/elements of winding loops situated
remotely in the winding are subject to both common and opposing
inductive influence, become the key consideration in proposing such an
integration of inductive effect or inductance, within a single wave
(comprising V and I aspects in variable phase relation etc.)
alternating at common nodes..
The A.C. wave becomes progressive in the typical sense of wave
dynamics by virtue of the general effect that components of voltage
(reorientation) and 'current' (resolution/reversion) constitute
optimally inter-dependent aspects (which is also to say, optimally
independent) of such a wave, conceived in component (that is, as an
integrating electro-magnetic field effect etc.) to exist in a variable
and inherently optimising inter-relation, and to behave with the
vector properties of a wave within the medium of the circuit.. At its
base, this variable optimising relation between V and I is analogous
to the effect--seen in bio-dynamics generally, and more particularly
in human and mammalian cardio-vascular and respiratory dynamics (e.g.
see 'Starling's Law etc.)--that, in sustaining, by manipulated
continuity in this context, an optimising integration of components of
realignment or reorientation amounting to polarisation (thus
maximisation of voltage/'potential difference'), a capacity for the
effective delay of resolution or reversion is implied until some
threshold point at which an optimisation of that reversion or
'current' as a similarly sustained continuous effect correspondingly
occurs..[See later heading: Orthocube Effect]..
And while a general argument may be proposed that, since the core/
armature rotor complex may be supposed in principle to be capable of
rotation merely through the operation of a D.C.-powered rotating
magnetic field elaborated in the exterior field coil configuration
(i.e. 4 of 12 field coils constituting the external inductive field
periodically alternate in polarity etc.), the facility with which work
upon the turbine rotor in a given time is increased (that is, with the
inference that electrical output expressed as work in joules is
correspondingly increased in a given time: presumably implying
increased available power etc.), such a perspective devolves to two
ideas: first, that inductance generally within the armature is raised
to optima of efficiency with respect to the relation of inductor to
inducing field, thus, secondly, that this amounts to an actual
relative augmentation of core rotation per time in certain components
of this more general relation (all of which is argued to infer the
enhancement of electrical efficiency, principally through the implied
effect of enhanced conductivity, in the greater context proposed)...
It may also be said that the very principle of continuous integrated
(single phase) induction, were it demonstrated to succeed here
constitutes only the equivalent of the introduction of the 'inclined
plane' mechanics into the EM inductive dynamic (that is, by virtue of
the helical form of the magnetic core, essentially that of a magnetic
propeller etc.).. What must also be emphasised at the outset is that,
while much of what is proposed and argued here is speculative, and no
doubt contentious, the assertions made are considered not only to be
worthy of experimental testing, if not actual verification, but to be
incapable of reduction to any more elementary basis than that embodied
in the essential form of this C.I.T. apparatus..
The second proposition then, essentially speculative (given the first,
that the imagined enhancement in overall efficiency is possible and
actual), is that the inference of a therefore optimally efficient A.C.
wave dynamic is further that its form and associated electromagnetic
properties may not only yield hitherto unrealised benefits (for
example, in the more efficient electrolysis of water to produce
Hydrogen gas*), but that, since the imagined electro-dynamics are
conceived as essentially analogous to both the fundamental cohesive
dynamics of space, and those of the human and more general bio-
organism--so that this device is considered, for example, an
electrical model of the human heart etc.--, what are considered here
to be the primitive and dangerous disjunctions and disparities between
EM fields associated with conventional A.C. generation and the
intrinsic electro-magnetic dynamics of the human bio-organism in
particular (manifesting or deriving, for example, in the activity of
enzymes of the mitochondrial 'electron-transport chain', Cytochrome
Oxidase in particular), may be significantly ameliorated: therefore,
by virtue of what may be understood as the 'bio-compatible' character
of A.C. dynamics proposed to arise in this C.I.T., and its EM fields..
* What is conceived here is a more efficient re-polarisation (as the
function of displacement of the tendency to reversion sustained in the
Cu29 circuit by persistent EMF etc.), effectively a more efficient
cleavage within the H1-O8 continuum into its constituents, the
hydrogen and oxygen molecular gaseous states (thus, H1 to its more
resonant form, O8 to its less resonant or more turbulent variant), by
virtue of the character of the A.C. waveform itself (in a mechanism
akin to that in the photo-systems of plant chlorophyll in which an
interplay of Mg12 states encourages O8 into its molecular state, in
the effectively explosive aspect of the dichotomy in dynamics of which
the retention of H1 in the form of plan carbohydrates for example, is
the implosive aspect: conversely n mammalian mitochondria).. Further,
some mechanism of applying A.C. directly, say to rotating electrodes,
or electrodes in a rotational relation (e.g. a central cathode and
migrating rotatory anode etc.) is envisaged to facilitate this
enhanced electrolytic effect..
[Further speculation in this regard may be found at c.i.turbine.
12@gmail.com; and any questions may be similarly addressed]...