Hi Everyone,
The problem is that code is running fine till I take "IndexMx" as
CONSTANT. As soon as I change IndexMx to SIGNAL for real time
simulation, I get the "IndexMx" fine but I get the "controlsig"
as all '1's ( It should come ( 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1).
I have been banging my head on this code since 2 days but could not
fine any mistake ! Please point out the mistake.
I need to do the following :--
I have to pick each column from matrix "IndexMx",
See if there are non-8 values in the column.
If there is a single non-8 value in the column than take that value in
WordIndex(i), and make the control flag [controlsig(i)] 'low' .
If there are more than one non-8 values than, make the control flag
[controlsig(i)] 'high'.
---Data types used:
type countArray is array (0 to N-1) of integer range -8 to 8 ;
type MATRIX_ROW is array (0 to N-1) of std_logic;
type MatrixInt is array (0 to 7 , 0 to 15) of integer range 0 to M;
entity MetricCaseSelect is
clock,Reset: in std_logic;
IndexMx : in MatrixInt;
WordIndexCase: out countArray;
control : out MATRIX_ROW
end MetricCaseSelect;
architecture archMetricCaseSelect of MetricCaseSelect is
signal WordIndex : countArray;
signal controlsig : MATRIX_ROW;
-----signal IndexMxIN : MatrixInt;
constant IndexMx : MatrixInt := (
caseSelect0: process(clock,reset,count2nIN)
variable i,k: integer range 0 to 8 ;
variable j : integer range -8 to 8 ;
variable z : integer range 0 to 2 ;
variable sig : std_logic ;
if reset = '1' then
sig := '0';
i := 0 ;
j := 0;
controlsig(0)<= '0';
elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
if ( IndexMx(i,0) /= 8 ) then
z := z + 1 ;
j := IndexMx(i,0) ;
end if ;
i := i + 1 ;
if (i = 8 ) then
i := 0 ;
end if ;
if (z = 2) then --As soon as I get a second non-eight
value in column, Sig is 'set'
sig := '1' ; -- If you don't want value to latch
than uncomment
-- the else part.
z := 0 ;
--sig := '0' ;
end if ;
WordIndex(0) <= j ;
controlsig(0) <= sig ;
end if ;
end process caseSelect0;
..---Like this I have 16 concurrent processes for every column.
..--------- 15th process------------------------------------
caseSelect15: process(clock,reset,count2nIN)
variable i,k: integer range 0 to 8 ;
variable j : integer range -8 to 8 ;
variable z : integer range 0 to 2 ;
variable sig : std_logic ;
if reset = '1' then
sig := '0';
i := 0 ;
j := 0;
controlsig(0)<= '0';
elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
if ( IndexMx(i,15) /= 8 ) then
z := z + 1 ;
j := IndexMx(i,0) ;
end if ;
i := i + 1 ;
if (i = 8 ) then
i := 0 ;
end if ;
if (z = 2) then
sig := '1' ;
z := 0 ;
--sig := '0' ;
end if ;
WordIndex(15) <= j ;
controlsig(15) <= sig ;
end if ;
end process caseSelect15;
The problem is that code is running fine till I take "IndexMx" as
CONSTANT. As soon as I change IndexMx to SIGNAL for real time
simulation, I get the "IndexMx" fine but I get the "controlsig"
as all '1's ( It should come ( 0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1).
I have been banging my head on this code since 2 days but could not
fine any mistake ! Please point out the mistake.
I need to do the following :--
I have to pick each column from matrix "IndexMx",
See if there are non-8 values in the column.
If there is a single non-8 value in the column than take that value in
WordIndex(i), and make the control flag [controlsig(i)] 'low' .
If there are more than one non-8 values than, make the control flag
[controlsig(i)] 'high'.
---Data types used:
type countArray is array (0 to N-1) of integer range -8 to 8 ;
type MATRIX_ROW is array (0 to N-1) of std_logic;
type MatrixInt is array (0 to 7 , 0 to 15) of integer range 0 to M;
entity MetricCaseSelect is
clock,Reset: in std_logic;
IndexMx : in MatrixInt;
WordIndexCase: out countArray;
control : out MATRIX_ROW
end MetricCaseSelect;
architecture archMetricCaseSelect of MetricCaseSelect is
signal WordIndex : countArray;
signal controlsig : MATRIX_ROW;
-----signal IndexMxIN : MatrixInt;
constant IndexMx : MatrixInt := (
caseSelect0: process(clock,reset,count2nIN)
variable i,k: integer range 0 to 8 ;
variable j : integer range -8 to 8 ;
variable z : integer range 0 to 2 ;
variable sig : std_logic ;
if reset = '1' then
sig := '0';
i := 0 ;
j := 0;
controlsig(0)<= '0';
elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
if ( IndexMx(i,0) /= 8 ) then
z := z + 1 ;
j := IndexMx(i,0) ;
end if ;
i := i + 1 ;
if (i = 8 ) then
i := 0 ;
end if ;
if (z = 2) then --As soon as I get a second non-eight
value in column, Sig is 'set'
sig := '1' ; -- If you don't want value to latch
than uncomment
-- the else part.
z := 0 ;
--sig := '0' ;
end if ;
WordIndex(0) <= j ;
controlsig(0) <= sig ;
end if ;
end process caseSelect0;
..---Like this I have 16 concurrent processes for every column.
..--------- 15th process------------------------------------
caseSelect15: process(clock,reset,count2nIN)
variable i,k: integer range 0 to 8 ;
variable j : integer range -8 to 8 ;
variable z : integer range 0 to 2 ;
variable sig : std_logic ;
if reset = '1' then
sig := '0';
i := 0 ;
j := 0;
controlsig(0)<= '0';
elsif (clock'event and clock = '1') then
if ( IndexMx(i,15) /= 8 ) then
z := z + 1 ;
j := IndexMx(i,0) ;
end if ;
i := i + 1 ;
if (i = 8 ) then
i := 0 ;
end if ;
if (z = 2) then
sig := '1' ;
z := 0 ;
--sig := '0' ;
end if ;
WordIndex(15) <= j ;
controlsig(15) <= sig ;
end if ;
end process caseSelect15;