Connecting Nets to Pins in gschem

Is there a trick to getting nets to consistently connect to component
pins in gschem? I can get it to work sometimes, but not on any
consistent basis. There does not seem to be a pattern, but some
symbols (ex connector2-2.sym) seem particularly difficult.

I've used eagle a bit in the past, but I'm new to gschem, so this may
be an ID-10-T-18 error.

On Apr 18, 1:11 pm, wrote:
Hmmm, no answers. Well here's what I've figured out so far:

- gschem doesn't do "close". If you're off just a bit, the net won't
connect to the pin. You need to be right at the end of the red bit or
just (1 snap max) into the background colour and colinear to the pin.
- zoom (z/Z or mouse wheel) is your friend. You really have to zoom
in to find the right point on the symbol to link the net.
- don't mess too much with snap grid. If you change the interval, and
the new interval isn't an even multiplier/divisor of the old interval,
nothing will connect. This is also a problem if you use symbols built
on a different snap.

Have managed to get a simple schematic connected and moved into PCB
for layout/artwork.


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