Connecting NC labled pins question.


Steven Hayter

I was wondering what the recommend practice is for pins labeled NC, and
for pins marked as reserved for future use when operating in the 66 to
200 MHz range?

Sorry there's not much more detail, first post of this didn't go though
Steven Hayter wrote:
I was wondering what the recommend practice is for pins labeled NC, and
for pins marked as reserved for future use when operating in the 66 to
200 MHz range?

Sorry there's not much more detail, first post of this didn't go though
Some manufacturers label pins "NC" when they really mean "connect these
and you'll be sorry". Even if they're truly not connected you have no
idea what _will_ be connected there in the future unless it's a standard

I leave NC pins just that, maybe stubbed off with the very shortest
possible trace to a via for later board mods.


Tim Wescott
Wescott Design Services
On Mon, 17 May 2004 15:49:06 +0100, Steven Hayter
<> wrote:

I was wondering what the recommend practice is for pins labeled NC, and
for pins marked as reserved for future use when operating in the 66 to
200 MHz range?

Sorry there's not much more detail, first post of this didn't go though
Don't connect anything to them.

Thanks, *goes back to wiring up this rather nasty routing problem with a
few less pins to worry about :)*
"Steven Hayter" <> wrote in message
I was wondering what the recommend practice is for pins labeled NC, and
for pins marked as reserved for future use when operating in the 66 to
200 MHz range?

Sorry there's not much more detail, first post of this didn't go though
Occassionally the manufacturer will tell you useful things, generally along
the lines of:

1) do not use, reserved for future use/factory test etc - dont connect to
these pins

2) not internally connected - do what you like, but beware component
changes/"substitute" vendors parts etc.

most commonly, the manufacturer tells you nothing at all, other than the
"NC" label. connect these at your own risk.


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