Confused with "task" keyword.


Confused Frank

I wrote a task to feed test vectors to my design, however, I realized some
differences between
"task" and the normal state machines I used to do. One sample code below, I
am expecting the
the signal "trd_sample" to be delayed by one cycle of "trc", i.e. 2nd
posedge of trc. However,
why does the simulation shows on the first posedge of trc?

I have put the modelsim waveform here.

Thank you in advance.

module sim;
reg clk;
reg rst_n;

reg trw;
reg [3:0] trd;
reg trc;

reg [3:0] trd_sample;

always #5 clk <= ~ clk;

initial begin
clk <= 1'b0;
rst_n <= 1'b1;
#1 rst_n <= 1'b0;
#2 rst_n <= 1'b1;

task tx_in;
integer i, j;
@ (posedge clk);
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b0;
trw <= 1'b0;
trd <= 4'h0;
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1;
trw <= 1'b1;
trd <= 4'hA;
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b0;
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1;
trd <= 4'h9;
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b0;
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1;
trd <= 4'h8;
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b0;
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1;
trd <= 4'h7;
@ (posedge clk);
@ (posedge clk);
@ (posedge clk);
@ (posedge clk);

always @ (posedge trc or negedge rst_n) begin
if (~rst_n)
trd_sample <= 4'h0;
else begin
if (trw)
trd_sample <= trd;

there is no discrepancy between your task and the waveform from
see below :
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1;
trw <= 1'b1;
trd <= 4'hA;

you are using non blocking assignments, so right hand side are
evaluated first,
Then the Left hand side is updated AFTER all events ...

As a rising edge is detected on trc ...
the always @(posedge trc ) block is activated,
BUT one delta delay later thus
trw and trd are already updated and the sampled value is 4'hA at time
25 on the

To avoid this kind of simulation issue you should delay your data
in your bench BUT not your clock (avoiding hold time issue )
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1; // clock
trw <= #(1) 1'b1; // data
trd <= #(1) 4'hA; // data
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b0; // clock
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1; //clock
trd <= #(1) 4'h9; // data
Thank you renald.

"Renaud" <> wrote in message
there is no discrepancy between your task and the waveform from
see below :
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1;
trw <= 1'b1;
trd <= 4'hA;

you are using non blocking assignments, so right hand side are
evaluated first,
Then the Left hand side is updated AFTER all events ...

As a rising edge is detected on trc ...
the always @(posedge trc ) block is activated,
BUT one delta delay later thus
trw and trd are already updated and the sampled value is 4'hA at time
25 on the

To avoid this kind of simulation issue you should delay your data
in your bench BUT not your clock (avoiding hold time issue )
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1; // clock
trw <= #(1) 1'b1; // data
trd <= #(1) 4'hA; // data
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b0; // clock
@ (posedge clk);
trc <= 1'b1; //clock
trd <= #(1) 4'h9; // data
It has nothing to do with your task, rather you've scheduled events on
trc and trd such that they both get updated towards the same delta
cycle. As other reply also pointed out, you are changing data & clk at
the same time and hence is the result you are seeing. Remember, NBA
(Non-Blocking Assign) in Verilog is "scheduled" and in your case, you

trc <= 1'b1;
trd <= 8'haa; // or some thing
@(posedge clk)

This means that you schedule 2 events on trc & trd and both get updated
at the end of a time step BEFORE proceeding to the next @(posedge clk)
(as there is an event delay there).

Now you have another always blk sampling on posedge trc - posedge trc
happens when the previous scheduling is complete, by then trd got its
new value too.

Actually, if you use VCS + DVE (their new debug tool), you can record
"delta delays" and debug this very clearly (You can expand one clk edge
and it clearly shows how the event scheduling happens), not sure if
Modelsim has that feature.

An easy fix would be to move your trc assignment outside the block and
do some thing like:

assign trc <= clk;

"Ajeetha" <> wrote in message
It has nothing to do with your task, rather you've scheduled events on
trc and trd such that they both get updated towards the same delta
cycle. As other reply also pointed out, you are changing data & clk at
the same time and hence is the result you are seeing. Remember, NBA
(Non-Blocking Assign) in Verilog is "scheduled" and in your case, you

trc <= 1'b1;
trd <= 8'haa; // or some thing
@(posedge clk)

This means that you schedule 2 events on trc & trd and both get updated
at the end of a time step BEFORE proceeding to the next @(posedge clk)
(as there is an event delay there).

Now you have another always blk sampling on posedge trc - posedge trc
happens when the previous scheduling is complete, by then trd got its
new value too.

Actually, if you use VCS + DVE (their new debug tool), you can record
"delta delays" and debug this very clearly (You can expand one clk edge
and it clearly shows how the event scheduling happens), not sure if
Modelsim has that feature.

An easy fix would be to move your trc assignment outside the block and
do some thing like:

assign trc <= clk;

Thank you Chuck.
I am done by putting a unit delay at txd & trw, and I have better
over non/blocking assignment now.

Welcome to

