Rafael Almeida
I think I probably won't get answer, as I need this for tomorrow, but this is kind
of my last shot, I've tried everything already and nothing seems to work. My
verilog knowledge is fairly limited, but I wanted to do a cache to be used by a z80
processor. The thing is that I send an address to the memory and it doesn't seem to
answer it back until i try to get a new address to which it answers wtih the old
value from the last address I passed.
The memory is 32 m6116, where each m6116 is implemented as:
module m6116 (A, D, WE_N, CE_N, OE_N);
input[10:0] A;
input WE_N, CE_N, OE_N;
inout[7:0] D;
wire[7:0] D_IN;
reg[7:0] D_OUT;
reg[7:0] MEM[0:2047];
assign D[7:0] = (~CE_N && ~OE_N) ? D_OUT[7:0] : 8'bz;
assign D_IN[7:0] = D[7:0];
always @(CE_N or WE_N or OE_N or A or D)
if (~CE_N) begin
if (~WE_N)
MEM[A[10:0]] = D_IN[7:0];
D_OUT[7:0] = MEM[A[10:0]];
$readmemh("teste", MEM);
They are putted together with
module memory (A, D, WE_N, CE_N, OE_N);
input[15:0] A;
input WE_N;
input CE_N;
input OE_N;
inout[7:0] D;
m6116 m0 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd0), OE_N);
m6116 m1 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd1), OE_N);
m6116 m2 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd2), OE_N);
m6116 m3 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd3), OE_N);
m6116 m4 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd4), OE_N);
m6116 m5 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd5), OE_N);
m6116 m6 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd6), OE_N);
m6116 m7 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd7), OE_N);
So connecting this memory with the z80 directly seems to work fine, but if i place
a m6116 in the middle the situation i described earlier occurs. I've tried to sync
the cache with the clock and it didn't work either. I even tried making the memory
fetch take two cycles on the cache (using the WAIT processor pin), but no luck
either. If someone can give me a suggestion on how to do it i'd be really pleased!
of my last shot, I've tried everything already and nothing seems to work. My
verilog knowledge is fairly limited, but I wanted to do a cache to be used by a z80
processor. The thing is that I send an address to the memory and it doesn't seem to
answer it back until i try to get a new address to which it answers wtih the old
value from the last address I passed.
The memory is 32 m6116, where each m6116 is implemented as:
module m6116 (A, D, WE_N, CE_N, OE_N);
input[10:0] A;
input WE_N, CE_N, OE_N;
inout[7:0] D;
wire[7:0] D_IN;
reg[7:0] D_OUT;
reg[7:0] MEM[0:2047];
assign D[7:0] = (~CE_N && ~OE_N) ? D_OUT[7:0] : 8'bz;
assign D_IN[7:0] = D[7:0];
always @(CE_N or WE_N or OE_N or A or D)
if (~CE_N) begin
if (~WE_N)
MEM[A[10:0]] = D_IN[7:0];
D_OUT[7:0] = MEM[A[10:0]];
$readmemh("teste", MEM);
They are putted together with
module memory (A, D, WE_N, CE_N, OE_N);
input[15:0] A;
input WE_N;
input CE_N;
input OE_N;
inout[7:0] D;
m6116 m0 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd0), OE_N);
m6116 m1 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd1), OE_N);
m6116 m2 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd2), OE_N);
m6116 m3 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd3), OE_N);
m6116 m4 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd4), OE_N);
m6116 m5 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd5), OE_N);
m6116 m6 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd6), OE_N);
m6116 m7 (A[10:0], D, WE_N, !({CE_N, A[15:11]} == 6'd7), OE_N);
So connecting this memory with the z80 directly seems to work fine, but if i place
a m6116 in the middle the situation i described earlier occurs. I've tried to sync
the cache with the clock and it didn't work either. I even tried making the memory
fetch take two cycles on the cache (using the WAIT processor pin), but no luck
either. If someone can give me a suggestion on how to do it i'd be really pleased!