Conditional compile in VHDL


Dave Miller

Hello all --

I have seen several posts with questions regarding techniques for
conditional compiles. I have a similar question, but I don't want to
conditionally generate hardware or multiple configurations. I just want to
have multiple sets of constants in my package, and select a set depending on
whether I am running a simulation, or compiling hardware. For example
(using C preprocessor directives)

#ifdef simulation

constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 32;
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 16;


constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 1024
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 512;


This way I can just define "simulation" in my testbench, and I don't have to
modify my package definitions depending on what I am doing. I have seen
suggestion that I just use a C preprocessor, but I sure would like to do it
all in VHDL so I can stay within my Xilinx environment. Is there any way to
do this?

Thanks in advance

Dave Miller
Tecolote Development
Mike Treseler wrote:

constant test_this_line : positive := bag(large).PixelsPerLine;
constant test_this_line : positive := bag_o_specs(large).PixelsPerLine;

is what I meant.

-- Mike Treseler
A "partial solution" to this problem is the package generics proposal:
Take a look at:
for a list of all of the proposals we have to update the language.

Dave Miller wrote:

Hello all --

I have seen several posts with questions regarding techniques for
conditional compiles. I have a similar question, but I don't want to
conditionally generate hardware or multiple configurations. I just want to
have multiple sets of constants in my package, and select a set depending on
whether I am running a simulation, or compiling hardware. For example
(using C preprocessor directives)

#ifdef simulation

constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 32;
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 16;


constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 1024
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 512;


This way I can just define "simulation" in my testbench, and I don't have to
modify my package definitions depending on what I am doing. I have seen
suggestion that I just use a C preprocessor, but I sure would like to do it
all in VHDL so I can stay within my Xilinx environment. Is there any way to
do this?

Thanks in advance

Dave Miller
Tecolote Development
Dave Miller wrote:

I have seen several posts with questions regarding techniques for
conditional compiles. I have a similar question, but I don't want to
conditionally generate hardware or multiple configurations. I just want to
have multiple sets of constants in my package, and select a set depending on
whether I am running a simulation, or compiling hardware.
Consider some sort of constant data structure.

-- Mike Treseler
package display is
type display_enum_t is (small, medium, large);
type display_spec_t is
PixelsPerLine : positive;
LinesPerFrame : positive;
end record display_spec_t;

type displays_t is array (display_enum_t) of display_spec_t;

constant example_spec : display_spec_t :=
(PixelsPerLine => 32,
LinesPerFrame => 16);

constant bag_o_specs :
displays_t := (
small => (
PixelsPerLine => 32,
LinesPerFrame => 16
medium => (
PixelsPerLine => 64,
LinesPerFrame => 32
large => (
PixelsPerLine => 1024,
LinesPerFrame => 512

constant test_this_line : positive := bag(large).PixelsPerLine;

end package display;
Dave Miller a écrit :
Hello all --

I have seen several posts with questions regarding techniques for
conditional compiles. I have a similar question, but I don't want to
conditionally generate hardware or multiple configurations. I just want to
have multiple sets of constants in my package, and select a set depending on
whether I am running a simulation, or compiling hardware. For example
(using C preprocessor directives)

#ifdef simulation

constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 32;
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 16;


constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 1024
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 512;


This way I can just define "simulation" in my testbench, and I don't have to
modify my package definitions depending on what I am doing. I have seen
suggestion that I just use a C preprocessor, but I sure would like to do it
all in VHDL so I can stay within my Xilinx environment. Is there any way to
do this?
What I usually do (but I don't define my constants in a package) is use
generic parameters with default values at the top level and override
them in the testbench for simulation.
The only drawback is for gate-level simulation because the generated
VHDL entity doesn't have generics anymore.

____ _ __ ___
| _ \_)/ _|/ _ \ Adresse de retour invalide
| | | | | (_| |_| | Invalid return address
|_| |_|_|\__|\___/
Hi Dave,

even you do not prefer the C preprocessor-solution, you might check my EVHDL
at , in the download-section.



"Dave Miller" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Hello all --

I have seen several posts with questions regarding techniques for
conditional compiles. I have a similar question, but I don't want to
conditionally generate hardware or multiple configurations. I just want
to have multiple sets of constants in my package, and select a set
depending on whether I am running a simulation, or compiling hardware.
For example (using C preprocessor directives)

#ifdef simulation

constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 32;
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 16;


constant PixelsPerLine : integer := 1024
constant LinesPerFrame : integer := 512;


This way I can just define "simulation" in my testbench, and I don't have
to modify my package definitions depending on what I am doing. I have
seen suggestion that I just use a C preprocessor, but I sure would like to
do it all in VHDL so I can stay within my Xilinx environment. Is there
any way to do this?

Thanks in advance

Dave Miller
Tecolote Development

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