computer power supplies..



Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
larya <> wrote:
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
If it's ATX, ground the PS_ON pin.

See Wikipedia for Pinout.

Michael Karcher
On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 05:04:37 -0700 (PDT), larya <>

Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
Not a group per se, but the BadCaps forum - - has a section on computer
power supplies. A large part of the discussion is about the
deficiencies of various vendors. One vendor actually glues iron
weights inside their power supplies so they weigh more. A heavy power
supply must be better, right?

Fry's Electronics sells an inexpensive 'test box' for power supplies,
but it is very limited.

On Apr 23, 8:04 am, larya <> wrote:
Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question...  I have thepower supplyout of the computer...
Do you have and use an oscilloscope? Good, now you are ready to
start learning this stuff. Take lessons on transistors, pulse width
modulation, diodes, filters, .... You will not believe how many
functions are required in a power supply if you did not read its full
page of numeric specs. To fix a power supply means you understand
what those specs say. Implied - how many self proclaimed computer
'experts' do not even know what a power supply does. They think it
only provided voltage. Learn how complex a power supply really is and
the many functions it performs.

Of course, learn of the power supply controller – another component
that many do not even know exists.
westom wrote:

On Apr 23, 8:04 am, larya <> wrote:
Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have thepower supplyout of the computer...

Do you have and use an oscilloscope? Good, now you are ready to
start learning this stuff. Take lessons on transistors, pulse width
modulation, diodes, filters, .... You will not believe how many
functions are required in a power supply if you did not read its full
page of numeric specs. To fix a power supply means you understand
what those specs say. Implied - how many self proclaimed computer
'experts' do not even know what a power supply does. They think it
only provided voltage. Learn how complex a power supply really is and
the many functions it performs.

Of course, learn of the power supply controller – another component
that many do not even know exists.
And be damn careful with the voltages inside.

PlainBill wrote:

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 05:04:37 -0700 (PDT), larya <

Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
Not a group per se, but the BadCaps forum - - has a section on computer
power supplies. A large part of the discussion is about the
deficiencies of various vendors. One vendor actually glues iron
weights inside their power supplies so they weigh more. A heavy power
supply must be better, right?
I fixed an ATX supply by replacing 2 very obviously bulged caps on the
output side with ones from a scrap Mobo !

Michael Karcher wrote:

larya <> wrote:
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
If it's ATX, ground the PS_ON pin.

See Wikipedia for Pinout.
Beware. It may not regulate properly with no load on the 5 or 12 V

"larya" <> wrote in message
Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
just fixed mine yesterday
replaceing the low imp caps on the
"larya" <> wrote in message
Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
just fixed mine yesterday
replaceing the low imp caps on the

boblarya wrote:

Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
larya wrote:
Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
No, but you're on-topic in here.
You can find lots of info about ATX power supplies here:

Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
You need to ground the power-on signal, which is the green wire.
If you want to use the PSU as a bench supply, you can simply snip the
green wire from the back of the ATX connector, & solder a switch between
it & one of the black wires.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
Eeyore wrote:
Michael Karcher wrote:

larya <> wrote:
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
If it's ATX, ground the PS_ON pin.

See Wikipedia for Pinout.

Beware. It may not regulate properly with no load on the 5 or 12 V
On every PSU I've tried it on, the fan seems to provide enough load for
the voltages to be okay.

. | ,. w , "Some people are alive only because
\|/ \|/ it is illegal to kill them." Perna condita delenda est
Bob Larter Inscribed thus:

Eeyore wrote:

Michael Karcher wrote:

larya <> wrote:
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
If it's ATX, ground the PS_ON pin.

See Wikipedia for Pinout.

Beware. It may not regulate properly with no load on the 5 or 12 V

On every PSU I've tried it on, the fan seems to provide enough load
for the voltages to be okay.
A lot of the better ones have suitable loading built in ! More often
the PSU wont start up if it requires a minimum load, though some will
but don't regulate the output voltages properly. The regulation is
done with reference to the 5v rail, so that is the one that should be
loaded. Its wise to play safe and stick a load on anyway. I use a 10
ohm 10w resistor wired into a spare connector so that I can add or
remove it as needed. I also have a LED wired as well so that I
remember to switch off when working on an open case.

Best Reagrds:
HavingBaron wrote:
Bob Larter Inscribed thus:

Eeyore wrote:
Michael Karcher wrote:

larya <> wrote:
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
If it's ATX, ground the PS_ON pin.

See Wikipedia for Pinout.
Beware. It may not regulate properly with no load on the 5 or 12 V
On every PSU I've tried it on, the fan seems to provide enough load
for the voltages to be okay.

A lot of the better ones have suitable loading built in ! More often
the PSU wont start up if it requires a minimum load, though some will
but don't regulate the output voltages properly. The regulation is
done with reference to the 5v rail, so that is the one that should be
loaded. Its wise to play safe and stick a load on anyway. I use a 10
ohm 10w resistor wired into a spare connector so that I can add or
remove it as needed. I also have a LED wired as well so that I
remember to switch off when working on an open case.

having a old boat anchor disk drive laying around to use as a dummy
load helps.....

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 22:37:39 +0100, Eeyore
<> wrote:

PlainBill wrote:

On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 05:04:37 -0700 (PDT), larya <

Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
Not a group per se, but the BadCaps forum - - has a section on computer
power supplies. A large part of the discussion is about the
deficiencies of various vendors. One vendor actually glues iron
weights inside their power supplies so they weigh more. A heavy power
supply must be better, right?

I fixed an ATX supply by replacing 2 very obviously bulged caps on the
output side with ones from a scrap Mobo !

That can work. I'm reaching the conclusion that the proce of caps is
so low (at least here in the USA) that it is better to replace all
caps with new quality caps. At one time I was using an approach
similar to yours. After a while I accumulated a number of power
supplies that APPEARED to work well with a dummy load, but when
connected to a motherboard the result was an unstable system.

Bulging caps are a good indication that a cap has failed. Not all
failed caps bulge.

Baron wrote:

Bob Larter Inscribed thus:
Eeyore wrote:
Michael Karcher wrote:
larya <> wrote:

How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
If it's ATX, ground the PS_ON pin.

See Wikipedia for Pinout.

Beware. It may not regulate properly with no load on the 5 or 12 V

On every PSU I've tried it on, the fan seems to provide enough load
for the voltages to be okay.

A lot of the better ones have suitable loading built in ! More often
the PSU wont start up if it requires a minimum load, though some will
but don't regulate the output voltages properly. The regulation is
done with reference to the 5v rail, so that is the one that should be
loaded. Its wise to play safe and stick a load on anyway. I use a 10
ohm 10w resistor wired into a spare connector so that I can add or
remove it as needed. I also have a LED wired as well so that I
remember to switch off when working on an open case.
I've heard of some where the feedback is taken as a mix of BOTH the 5V
and 12V loading. No guarantees though.

I agree that 'some' load on the 5V is likely best.

bob wrote:

having a old boat anchor disk drive laying around to use as a dummy
load helps.....
Not a bad idea.

Remember the Full Height 5 1/4's ? They took about 30-40 W.

PlainBill wrote:

Eeyore <> wrote:
PlainBill wrote:
larya <> wrote:

Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...
Not a group per se, but the BadCaps forum - - has a section on computer
power supplies. A large part of the discussion is about the
deficiencies of various vendors. One vendor actually glues iron
weights inside their power supplies so they weigh more. A heavy power
supply must be better, right?

I fixed an ATX supply by replacing 2 very obviously bulged caps on the
output side with ones from a scrap Mobo !

That can work.
The scrap mobo was Dell and used 'name' capacitors that still looked in
excellent condition ( get an ESR meter if you really need to know ), whereas
the bulged caps in the PSU were classic 'no name' off- brands.

I'm reaching the conclusion that the proce of caps is
so low (at least here in the USA) that it is better to replace all
caps with new quality caps. At one time I was using an approach
similar to yours. After a while I accumulated a number of power
supplies that APPEARED to work well with a dummy load, but when
connected to a motherboard the result was an unstable system.
The problem I've found is that the caps they tend to use are unusually small
( or odd ) form factors. Typically tall and very small diameter. Not many
stockists have them.

Bulging caps are a good indication that a cap has failed.
Absolutely. Guaranteed in fact.

Not all failed caps bulge.
Indeed. Also look for electrolyte leakage around the base. Usually a white
deposit. It's corrosive too, so when replacing, clean it away.

john wrote:

"larya" <> wrote

Is there a group for repairing computer power supplies?..
Question... I have the power supply out of the computer...
Besides pluging it in... how do you turn it 'on'...
The front panel on / off switch connects to the mother board..
How can I turn the power supply 'on' at the power supply?...

just fixed mine yesterday
replaceing the low imp caps on the
Very typical.

Also on a Mobo, check the LV regulator caps around the CPU etc.

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009 10:06:59 +0100, Baron
<> put finger to keyboard and

A lot of the better ones have suitable loading built in ! More often
the PSU wont start up if it requires a minimum load, though some will
but don't regulate the output voltages properly. The regulation is
done with reference to the 5v rail ...
I haven't repaired many AT/ATX PSUs, but IME they usually (?) regulate
by sensing a weighted average of the +5V and +12V rails. This means
that the +5V and +12V rails move in opposite directions.


- Franc Zabkar
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