Paul Horwood
I have just been given a computer monitor. The problem is the screen is
rather dark.
I have the settings of brightness and contrast up to 100, which is the
highest it can go.
What is the problem here?
Can the brightness be turned up inside the monitor?
In TV sets there are various variable resistors that can be turned to
increase the brightness.
Does the same exist in computer monitors?
Thanks for all your replies.
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rather dark.
I have the settings of brightness and contrast up to 100, which is the
highest it can go.
What is the problem here?
Can the brightness be turned up inside the monitor?
In TV sets there are various variable resistors that can be turned to
increase the brightness.
Does the same exist in computer monitors?
Thanks for all your replies.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.677 / Virus Database: 439 - Release Date: 5/4/2004