Computer interface


Ronak Shah

Jus wondering... if i have a circuit connected to the parallel port of a PC
and lets say at some point I decide to give oout a command to lets say turn
on the light..... how would I do it?
I mean I knw I cant drain big currents from the parallel port so like for a
light bulb or something that requires lots a current how do I do it?
please provide any feedbacks
"Ronak Shah" <> wrote in message news:<cjsa1m$e1q$>...
Jus wondering... if i have a circuit connected to the parallel port of a PC
and lets say at some point I decide to give oout a command to lets say turn
on the light..... how would I do it?
In C language, use "outp" function. The parameters are 'port address'
and 'data'.

I mean I knw I cant drain big currents from the parallel port so like for a
light bulb or something that requires lots a current how do I do it?
please provide any feedbacks
Use one pin of your par port as a switch. This pin connect to a power
transistor like MOSFET to control the large current.
On Mon, 4 Oct 2004 15:58:46 -0400, "Ronak Shah"
<> wrote:

Jus wondering... if i have a circuit connected to the parallel port of a PC
and lets say at some point I decide to give oout a command to lets say turn
on the light..... how would I do it?
You could use a batch file like below to turn on data pin 0.


@echo off
o 378 01
DEBUG < pin2.bat

I mean I knw I cant drain big currents from the parallel port so like for a
light bulb or something that requires lots a current how do I do it?
please provide any feedbacks
Usually the current from the parallel port pin is used to control
a transistor, which in turn controls a relay. A google search
will bring up a lot of info. I've made the below pages that have
some simple parallel port control setups.

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