Friend of mine wants to put his equipment in a closet and run all cables to
plasma unit on wall. Component video cable will end up being about 30 feet
long. What kind of cable will work for this? I've seen some miniture coax
available from MCM that looks like it might work, bearing in mind it has to
come up through a fireplace surround, and I don't want anything too bulky
(appearances are important here). I can fish the raw wire through the holes and
strip and add RCA connectors once in place.
plasma unit on wall. Component video cable will end up being about 30 feet
long. What kind of cable will work for this? I've seen some miniture coax
available from MCM that looks like it might work, bearing in mind it has to
come up through a fireplace surround, and I don't want anything too bulky
(appearances are important here). I can fish the raw wire through the holes and
strip and add RCA connectors once in place.