1. Marco 25 Lug 22:34 mostra opzioni
Newsgroup: sci.electronics.design
Da: "Marco" <tecsv...@yahoo.com> - Trova messaggi di questo autore
Data: 25 Jul 2005 13:34:29 -0700
Locale: Lun 25 Lug 2005 22:34
Oggetto: components list protel dxp 2004
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I have a problem with protel dxp 2004 when I select a component in the
components list with mouse or move down or move up in the list with key
The system don't respond in realtime.After I press the key arrow or
click with mouse elapse 2 second first that I see the selected
I have windows xp pro, athlon64 3ghz 512mb ram geforce 2 mx 440.
How can I fix the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Newsgroup: sci.electronics.design
Da: "Marco" <tecsv...@yahoo.com> - Trova messaggi di questo autore
Data: 25 Jul 2005 13:34:29 -0700
Locale: Lun 25 Lug 2005 22:34
Oggetto: components list protel dxp 2004
Rispondi | Rispondi all'autore | Inoltra | Stampa | Messaggio singolo |
Mostra originale | Segnala illeciti
I have a problem with protel dxp 2004 when I select a component in the
components list with mouse or move down or move up in the list with key
The system don't respond in realtime.After I press the key arrow or
click with mouse elapse 2 second first that I see the selected
I have windows xp pro, athlon64 3ghz 512mb ram geforce 2 mx 440.
How can I fix the problem?
Thanks in advance.