Compiling Xilinx libraries for ModelSim PE 10.4 simulation o



Simulation of your project written in ISE 8.2i, for those using old tools for whatever reason, must first compile the necessary libraries. One may struggle with getting simulation of their project if CORE Generator was used to create components.
Within the Xilinx directories: C:\Xilinx\vhdl\src\xilinxcorelib resides the .vhd files for core generated parts. These files need to be compiled by ModelSim PE 10.4. Within the directory: C:\Xilinx\vhdl\src\simprims\README.txt are directions vaguely described by the last paragraph.
The ModelSim PE 10.4 has provisions a "scripted" command that does the compiling of the necessary files. Running the simulation from ISE 8.2i ModelSim fails to find the xilinxCorelib and halts the simulation. The command compxlib -s mti_pe -arch spartan3e was typed into the command line entry of ModelSim to find the directory, compiled for use. The command compxlib is inherent in Modelsim and further details of it can be found by typing compxlib -help and fishing around for your exact needs.


Cy Drollinger

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