Hi, there:
I am compiling a partial design with XST. I can only use 24 multipliers in
my portion of a V2-6000 chip...
However, the RTL has 35 multipliers...
Now I need to compile the other 11 multipliers with LUT, but I don't want to
modify the RTL codes...
How may I handle this situation?
"-mult_style LUT" makes all multipliers with LUT...AUTO and BLOCK makes all
multipliers with
block multiplers...sigh...
Thanks for your suggesiton...
I am compiling a partial design with XST. I can only use 24 multipliers in
my portion of a V2-6000 chip...
However, the RTL has 35 multipliers...
Now I need to compile the other 11 multipliers with LUT, but I don't want to
modify the RTL codes...
How may I handle this situation?
"-mult_style LUT" makes all multipliers with LUT...AUTO and BLOCK makes all
multipliers with
block multiplers...sigh...
Thanks for your suggesiton...