Compare pairs of bits between two slv's ?


Tony Benham

I've been puzzling how I can write concise vhdl that will basically set a
bit if any pair of bits in two slv's are both hi ?
A sort of pseudo code for what I want to do is as follows
mask : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;
trig : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;
set : std_logic;

set <= '0' ;
for i in 0 to 7
If mask(i) AND trig(i) = '1'
set <= '1' ;
end if ;
end for ;

In english, if any pair of bits in the two slv's are both hi, the set will
be set to one, else zero

I thought about using For-Generate, but I'm puzzled how to apply for this
case ?

S1 <= '0' when (Mask and Trig) = 0 else '1';
This is why we are thinking of putting vector reduction into

Try this:

set := or_reduce (mask and trig);

You will find a copy of "or_reduce" at:

This is functionality we also plan to add in 1164 as well.

Tony Benham wrote:

I've been puzzling how I can write concise vhdl that will basically set a
bit if any pair of bits in two slv's are both hi ?
A sort of pseudo code for what I want to do is as follows
mask : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;
trig : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ;
set : std_logic;

set <= '0' ;
for i in 0 to 7
If mask(i) AND trig(i) = '1'
set <= '1' ;
end if ;
end for ;

In english, if any pair of bits in the two slv's are both hi, the set will
be set to one, else zero

I thought about using For-Generate, but I'm puzzled how to apply for this
case ?

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I've just reading an answer to my qustion here
and encountered Reduction section.

-- this concurrent assignment performs an "or"
-- reduction on "a_vec"
a <= '0' when (a_vec = (a_vec'range => '0')) else '1';

-- while this calculates an "and" reduction
a <= '1' when (a_vec = (a_vec'range => '1')) else '0';

Read there about reducing vectors containing 'X' values.

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