I recently bought a Kill-a-Watt wall-outlet power meter,
and I thought I would share the results of my going through
the house and testing each device. For all you folks
thinking about going solar, these data may help confirm
or deny what the solar-panel company has already told you
if they offered estimates about typical power use.
Item Watts
21 inch TV 85 W
Espresso maker 835 W (two shots = 0.06 kWh)
Cable modem 6 W
Wireless transciever 6 W
Computer speakers+woofer 14 W
Scanner, idle 6 W
Scanner, pre-scan 12 W
Scanner, doing scan 19 W
Laptop computer, idle 30 W
Laptop computer, top speed 55 W
Desktop computer (CRT off) 65 W (includes speakers, hub etc)
CRT only 86 W
Desk fan, low speed 34 W
Desk fan, medium 38 W
Desk fan, high 44 W
Cordless phone base only 3 W
Deskjet printer, idle 4 W
Refrigerator w/freezer 600 W
and I thought I would share the results of my going through
the house and testing each device. For all you folks
thinking about going solar, these data may help confirm
or deny what the solar-panel company has already told you
if they offered estimates about typical power use.
Item Watts
21 inch TV 85 W
Espresso maker 835 W (two shots = 0.06 kWh)
Cable modem 6 W
Wireless transciever 6 W
Computer speakers+woofer 14 W
Scanner, idle 6 W
Scanner, pre-scan 12 W
Scanner, doing scan 19 W
Laptop computer, idle 30 W
Laptop computer, top speed 55 W
Desktop computer (CRT off) 65 W (includes speakers, hub etc)
CRT only 86 W
Desk fan, low speed 34 W
Desk fan, medium 38 W
Desk fan, high 44 W
Cordless phone base only 3 W
Deskjet printer, idle 4 W
Refrigerator w/freezer 600 W