The circuit above has been used by me for the last year to
receive regional and teleseismic signals but I have been
plagued by a problem that requires me to seek help.
The lead in cable is a shielded, twisted pair,
microphone cable. Its shield stops maybe 2 feet from the sensor.
The sensor cable itself has no shield. Its entire length
is approximately 50 feet and parallels a major airconditioner
power supply line about 4 or 5 feet away for maybe 30 of the
50 feet.
Every time the Air conditioner comes on a tremendous
electrical disturbance is generated in the input
of this circuit causing the class "A" baseline to follow
a nonsymmetrical cycle of waveform maybe 30 to 60 seconds
in period.
I am seeking recommendations to stop or significantly
reduce this electrical disturbance. The offending device
is actually a heat pump and the signature of the disturbance
is quite different depending upon whether the device
is heating or cooling.
I am unable to relocate the sensor so other solutions are necessary.
Any help here is appreciated.
The circuit above has been used by me for the last year to
receive regional and teleseismic signals but I have been
plagued by a problem that requires me to seek help.
The lead in cable is a shielded, twisted pair,
microphone cable. Its shield stops maybe 2 feet from the sensor.
The sensor cable itself has no shield. Its entire length
is approximately 50 feet and parallels a major airconditioner
power supply line about 4 or 5 feet away for maybe 30 of the
50 feet.
Every time the Air conditioner comes on a tremendous
electrical disturbance is generated in the input
of this circuit causing the class "A" baseline to follow
a nonsymmetrical cycle of waveform maybe 30 to 60 seconds
in period.
I am seeking recommendations to stop or significantly
reduce this electrical disturbance. The offending device
is actually a heat pump and the signature of the disturbance
is quite different depending upon whether the device
is heating or cooling.
I am unable to relocate the sensor so other solutions are necessary.
Any help here is appreciated.