Hi all,
First, sorry for the double post - it's been a while, and I first tried t
post through fpgacentral.com, forgetting that it does *NOT* apparentl
forward the message to usenet:
... so, now I'm trying again through fpgarelated.com, as it has worked fo
me with usenet in the past ... so here is the message:
I'm still using ISE WebPack 9.2, and I'd like to use "Simulate Behaviora
Model" from the command line:
% project get_processes
{Synthesize - XST} {Check Syntax} {Generate Post-Synthesis Simulatio
Model} {Implement Design} Translate {Generate Post-Translate Simulatio
Model} Map {Generate Post-Map Static Timing} {Generate Post-Map Simulatio
Model} {Place & Route} {Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing
{Generate Primetime Netlist} {Generate Post-Place & Route Simulation Model
{Generate IBIS Model} {Back-annotate Pin Locations} {Generate Programmin
... to obtain what commands would be executable in a xtclsh script vi
'process run'. Unfortunately, I do not see "Simulate Behavioral Model" o
"Simulate Post-Place & Route Model" in there, so I assume 'fuse' needs t
be called separately.
So, I've looked through
... and I simply cannot find anywhere how to obtain the correct 'fuse
command for what would correspond to "Simulate Behavioral Model" o
"Simulate Post-Place & Route Model" GUI items in ISE WebPack.
And unfortunately, when I run say "Simulate Behavioral Model", only th
following is displayed in the Console:
files either, say by `grep -r 'fuse' .` in the project directory).
Does anyone have an idea (or reference to) what do the fuse command line
look like for "Simulate Behavioral Model" and "Simulate Post-Place & Rout
Model" respectively?
Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com
First, sorry for the double post - it's been a while, and I first tried t
post through fpgacentral.com, forgetting that it does *NOT* apparentl
forward the message to usenet:
... so, now I'm trying again through fpgarelated.com, as it has worked fo
me with usenet in the past ... so here is the message:
I'm still using ISE WebPack 9.2, and I'd like to use "Simulate Behaviora
Model" from the command line:
I can then enter "get_processes" in the Tcl Shell:% process run "Simulate Behavioral Model"
ERROR:TclTasksC - ERROR:TclTasksCrocess_064 - process run : Unknow
process "Simulate Behavioral Model".
Type [help project get_processes] for more information.
% project get_processes
{Synthesize - XST} {Check Syntax} {Generate Post-Synthesis Simulatio
Model} {Implement Design} Translate {Generate Post-Translate Simulatio
Model} Map {Generate Post-Map Static Timing} {Generate Post-Map Simulatio
Model} {Place & Route} {Generate Post-Place & Route Static Timing
{Generate Primetime Netlist} {Generate Post-Place & Route Simulation Model
{Generate IBIS Model} {Back-annotate Pin Locations} {Generate Programmin
... to obtain what commands would be executable in a xtclsh script vi
'process run'. Unfortunately, I do not see "Simulate Behavioral Model" o
"Simulate Post-Place & Route Model" in there, so I assume 'fuse' needs t
be called separately.
So, I've looked through
... and I simply cannot find anywhere how to obtain the correct 'fuse
command for what would correspond to "Simulate Behavioral Model" o
"Simulate Post-Place & Route Model" GUI items in ISE WebPack.
And unfortunately, when I run say "Simulate Behavioral Model", only th
following is displayed in the Console:
... but unfortunately, no actual command line arguments (and nothing in loRunning Fuse ...
Compiling project file "./mytest_tbw_beh__vlog.prj"
Building mytest_tbw_isim_beh.exe
Running ISim simulation engine ...
files either, say by `grep -r 'fuse' .` in the project directory).
Does anyone have an idea (or reference to) what do the fuse command line
look like for "Simulate Behavioral Model" and "Simulate Post-Place & Rout
Model" respectively?
Posted through http://www.FPGARelated.com