Trevor Wilson
I need to get rid of my beloved workbenches (two). I am offering them free
to anyone interested and with suitable muscle and transport to move them,
before the 9th Feb. Sadly, they will not fit into my new workshop. They are
exceptionally study and very well made.
Construction material: Box section, 1.7mm steel, 50mm square.
Width: 2350mm
Depth: 800mm
Height: 790mm
Six legs
Under bench and over bench integrated shelves
Grey hammer-tone painted.
The benches are presently fitted with 19mm chipboard tops, but can easily be
removed (and in fact, must be removed) and replaced with any other material.
The frames are exceptionally strong and quite heavy. I would estimate that
four men would be required for removal. With suitable bench tops, they could
be used for any purpose, including: Electronics work (their present use),
wood working, general mechanical work (they'll support an engine block) and
any other use. Though the bench tops are only in average condition, the
frames are perfect.
Please contact me, if you are interested and can remove by the due date.
Trevor Wilson
to anyone interested and with suitable muscle and transport to move them,
before the 9th Feb. Sadly, they will not fit into my new workshop. They are
exceptionally study and very well made.
Construction material: Box section, 1.7mm steel, 50mm square.
Width: 2350mm
Depth: 800mm
Height: 790mm
Six legs
Under bench and over bench integrated shelves
Grey hammer-tone painted.
The benches are presently fitted with 19mm chipboard tops, but can easily be
removed (and in fact, must be removed) and replaced with any other material.
The frames are exceptionally strong and quite heavy. I would estimate that
four men would be required for removal. With suitable bench tops, they could
be used for any purpose, including: Electronics work (their present use),
wood working, general mechanical work (they'll support an engine block) and
any other use. Though the bench tops are only in average condition, the
frames are perfect.
Please contact me, if you are interested and can remove by the due date.
Trevor Wilson