I am looking for a coin cell 1.55V/1.5V battery that can source 10mA
of steady current. I did a copernic search, but i could not seem to
locate one.
Are there any 10mA coin cell batteries out there?
CAn anyone recommend any such batteries.
Actually, I was originally searching for was a typical coin cell
battery internal impedance. Also, for the battery voltage vs. time,
discahrge curve. Than i discovered i could not find a battery.
Any info would really be appreciated.
I am looking for a coin cell 1.55V/1.5V battery that can source 10mA
of steady current. I did a copernic search, but i could not seem to
locate one.
Are there any 10mA coin cell batteries out there?
CAn anyone recommend any such batteries.
Actually, I was originally searching for was a typical coin cell
battery internal impedance. Also, for the battery voltage vs. time,
discahrge curve. Than i discovered i could not find a battery.
Any info would really be appreciated.