Does anyone know of a source of data for the traverse spacing, turns per mm
or mil, for the smallest wire gauges of say 45 to 50 SWG or 40 to 45 AWG.
If wire is 0.05 mm thick, say, then the traverse should lay down at
something marginally wider than that. I appreciate it is dependent on
drawing die imperfections/ enamel thickness/ chaffing etc but at least a
starting value and then suck it and see with a trial run or 2 with the
actual wire. Or a formula for the general case.
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on
or mil, for the smallest wire gauges of say 45 to 50 SWG or 40 to 45 AWG.
If wire is 0.05 mm thick, say, then the traverse should lay down at
something marginally wider than that. I appreciate it is dependent on
drawing die imperfections/ enamel thickness/ chaffing etc but at least a
starting value and then suck it and see with a trial run or 2 with the
actual wire. Or a formula for the general case.
Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
electronic hints and repair briefs , schematics/manuals list on