I'm a firmware guy pulled into a project well out of my area of
expertise. My boss wants to build (essentially) a digital camera
using an image sensor chip (1600x1200) and output it's data
"as fast as possible" using USB2.0. His initial concept, being
that I'm a firmware guy, was to use a "really fast micro."
Normally the company is involved with small 8-bitter micro
projects, so you can see I'm well out of my normal bounds.
Now this seems like a pretty big stretch to me... and I don't see
how it can be done without the speed of hardware (the image
chips all seem to have clock speeds in the tens of MHz and the
USB2 transfer rate is 480Mbps (theor.). Do aspects of this
project require an FPGA to keep the data "as fast as possible?"
If we use and FPGA for camera-to-RAM and then use a
micro for the USB2 part, what kind of fast micros can
move data at that rate?
Also, this is something that I am sure we will have to contract
out, so if you have any past experience with this, please let
me know your thoughts (and if you are available).
I'm a firmware guy pulled into a project well out of my area of
expertise. My boss wants to build (essentially) a digital camera
using an image sensor chip (1600x1200) and output it's data
"as fast as possible" using USB2.0. His initial concept, being
that I'm a firmware guy, was to use a "really fast micro."
Normally the company is involved with small 8-bitter micro
projects, so you can see I'm well out of my normal bounds.
Now this seems like a pretty big stretch to me... and I don't see
how it can be done without the speed of hardware (the image
chips all seem to have clock speeds in the tens of MHz and the
USB2 transfer rate is 480Mbps (theor.). Do aspects of this
project require an FPGA to keep the data "as fast as possible?"
If we use and FPGA for camera-to-RAM and then use a
micro for the USB2 part, what kind of fast micros can
move data at that rate?
Also, this is something that I am sure we will have to contract
out, so if you have any past experience with this, please let
me know your thoughts (and if you are available).