closing a dialog box by skill


thanks for your answers.

Unfortunately, none of these solutions work. My popup window freeze
completely the rest of the program. Clicking "ok" is the only thing i
can do ...

i tried :
hiRegTimer("hiFormDone(ddsRefreshForm)" X) ddsHiRefresh() , with
different values for X.

which is the solution given by Andrew. but it doesn't work. Indeed,
this solution was given in a previous topic. I also found the "hack
code" to kill popups , but i don't want to use it because i don't
understand it.

so, i don't know how to kill this popup. Maybe ddsHiRefresh is not the
only way to refresh ? or maybe there's an option to use it in silent
mode ?

Thanks for your help.


thanks to all for your answers.

My problem of popup was located between the keyboard and the chair.

Now, all is fine ^^v


In article <> Joel <> writes:

Even if you have a different dialog you can figure out the name of it
from the log file (though this may have a dependency on the log filter
Just to clarify, the log filter setting only affects what is displayed to the
CIW. It doesn't filter what is put in the log file, which is everything.

-Pete Zakel

"Monday is an awful way to spend one seventh of your life."
On Mar 3, 7:43 pm, wrote:

thanks for your answers.

Unfortunately, none of these solutions work. My popup window freeze
completely the rest of the program. Clicking "ok" is the only thing i
can do ...

i tried :
hiRegTimer("hiFormDone(ddsRefreshForm)" X) ddsHiRefresh() , with
different values for X.

which is the solution given by Andrew. but it doesn't work. Indeed,
this solution was given in a previous topic. I also found the "hack
code" to kill popups , but i don't want to use it because i don't
understand it.

so, i don't know how to kill this popup. Maybe ddsHiRefresh is not the
only way to refresh ? or maybe there's an option to use it in silent
mode ?

Thanks for your help.


Perhaps you are dealing with a different popup?

What I do when I need to solve this problem is click OK to dismiss the
window and then look in my CDS.log file. Usually the name of the
command needed to close the window/form/dialog appears as the last
command. I did a quick experiment with ddsHiRefresh and found that it
triggered a modal popup telling me there was no data to refresh. I
closed it and noted the following in my CDS.log:


I then used Andrew's trick to close the window:
hiRegTimer("hiDBoxOK(ddsDBox)" 0)

Even if you have a different dialog you can figure out the name of it
from the log file (though this may have a dependency on the log filter

I hope that helps.

Riad KACED wrote, on 03/03/08 13:45:
Hi !

if you try the following function into your CIW :
You will see there is a form symbol called "ddsRefreshForm", I guess
it's the one you are looking for !
If you then type hiFormFinish(ddsRefreshForm), I think it should close
your window. Give it a try ...
I think you can use hiFormDone or hiFormClose as well. Please look at
the doc to see the difference !

Good luck ;-)


hiRegTimer("hiFormDone(ddsRefreshForm)" 0) ddsHiRefresh()

will do it. Something similar came up in this forum recently...

This tells SKILL to do the "form done" 0 tenths of a second after the UI has
returned - so that it can be done on the blocking ddsHiRefresh() form.




In my skill, i need to refresh my library.
so i use the function "ddsHiRefresh()".

but this function generates a popup window that i can not kill with

Actually, i'm not sure to get the correct name of the pop up window,
maybe that's why i can not kill it !

So, could anyone tell me how to get the correct name of my popup
window ?

thanks for your help,

Hi !

if you try the following function into your CIW :
You will see there is a form symbol called "ddsRefreshForm", I guess
it's the one you are looking for !
If you then type hiFormFinish(ddsRefreshForm), I think it should close
your window. Give it a try ...
I think you can use hiFormDone or hiFormClose as well. Please look at
the doc to see the difference !

Good luck ;-)


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