Alistair Lamb
I'm doing my final uni project in VHDL using the xilinx spartan 2
pegasus FPGA board but have hit a small snag. When I synthesize my
VHDL code i get an error in the timing report that tells me that 3
signals are seen as clock signals when in actula fact only one of them
Clock Information:
Clock Signal | Clock buffer(FF name) | Load |
_n0070(_n00701:O) | NONE(*)(PISO_load_output_17)| 54
ADC_EOC | BUFGP | 37 |
sync_pulse | BUFGP | 2 |
_n0149(_n01491:O) | NONE(*)(line_count_1) | 9 |
_n0153(_n01531:O) | NONE(*)(SRAM_addr_4) | 19 |
(*) These 3 clock signal(s) are generated by combinatorial logic,
and XST is not able to identify which are the primary clock signals.
Please use the CLOCK_SIGNAL constraint to specify the clock signal(s)
generated by combinatorial logic.
This problem prevents me specifying pins for the 2 non-clock signals.
I have tried using the clock signal constraint as follows but this
doesn't work.
attribute clock_signal: string;
attribute clock_signal of GCLK: signal is "yes";
attribute clock_signal of sync_pulse: signal is "no";
attribute clock_signal of ADC_EOC: signal is "no";
Can anyone pls pls help me. Today is the final day of practical work
for my project and I want to have it working! any help is much
I'm doing my final uni project in VHDL using the xilinx spartan 2
pegasus FPGA board but have hit a small snag. When I synthesize my
VHDL code i get an error in the timing report that tells me that 3
signals are seen as clock signals when in actula fact only one of them
Clock Information:
Clock Signal | Clock buffer(FF name) | Load |
_n0070(_n00701:O) | NONE(*)(PISO_load_output_17)| 54
ADC_EOC | BUFGP | 37 |
sync_pulse | BUFGP | 2 |
_n0149(_n01491:O) | NONE(*)(line_count_1) | 9 |
_n0153(_n01531:O) | NONE(*)(SRAM_addr_4) | 19 |
(*) These 3 clock signal(s) are generated by combinatorial logic,
and XST is not able to identify which are the primary clock signals.
Please use the CLOCK_SIGNAL constraint to specify the clock signal(s)
generated by combinatorial logic.
This problem prevents me specifying pins for the 2 non-clock signals.
I have tried using the clock signal constraint as follows but this
doesn't work.
attribute clock_signal: string;
attribute clock_signal of GCLK: signal is "yes";
attribute clock_signal of sync_pulse: signal is "no";
attribute clock_signal of ADC_EOC: signal is "no";
Can anyone pls pls help me. Today is the final day of practical work
for my project and I want to have it working! any help is much