Clock Signal in VHDL


Sebastian Klemper


this is a total newbie question:

At first, there are a lot of words relating to "hardware programming" of
which I'm not aware. So, I hope everyone will understand what I write...

I try to simulate a short program with VHDL Simili 3.0 (free Version).
The program is a "running light" what switches for a short moment LEDs
on, from the one side to the other and vice versa. (like Kitt's Scanner
in Knight Rider). At university, I loaded to compiled program to a
"starter kit board". This board provides a 50 MHz clock signal and the
above mentioned program uses this signal. Because I don't have this
board at home, I'm looking for a way to get such a signal in the simulator.

Is it possible to write somthing like this in VHDL? Or perhaps, can I
cause the simulator to switch periodically a signal on and off?

Thanks in advance,
Johannes - hopping that everyone understands my request
Sebastian Klemper wrote:
This board provides a 50 MHz clock signal and the
above mentioned program uses this signal. Because I don't have this
board at home, I'm looking for a way to get such a signal in the simulator.
Yes. A testbench process can drive the
clock signal using a wait statement.
Search for tb_clk in the reference testbench here:

-- Mike Treseler

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