

David L. Jones

Just saw an ad for a new show on CH9 called "Clever" due to start
Sunday night.
Looks like a Mythbusters/Brainiac style show with a bit of Guiness
World Records thown in.
"How to beat a speed camera while doing 300km/h" is one of the gems.
What are the odds it's be a total shocker?
Appologies for inferring Brainiac is in the same catergory as

Dave :)
David L. Jones wrote:
Just saw an ad for a new show on CH9 called "Clever" due to start
Sunday night.
Looks like a Mythbusters/Brainiac style show with a bit of Guiness
World Records thown in.
"How to beat a speed camera while doing 300km/h" is one of the gems.
What are the odds it's be a total shocker?
Appologies for inferring Brainiac is in the same catergory as

Dave :)

TV shows like Brainiac and Clever are better left to technical
people for the execution, rather than TV personalities pretending
to have a clue. I have a talkaholic engineer friend who starred
in a "Survivor" advert who'd be a natural for the part, he even
has the necessary explosives license.
typical Australian garbage as usual.

"Ken Taylor" <> wrote in message
dmm wrote:
On 1 Mar 2006 13:11:40 -0800, "David L. Jones" <> wrote:

Just saw an ad for a new show on CH9 called "Clever" due to start
Sunday night.
Looks like a Mythbusters/Brainiac style show with a bit of Guiness
World Records thown in.
"How to beat a speed camera while doing 300km/h" is one of the gems.
What are the odds it's be a total shocker?
Appologies for inferring Brainiac is in the same catergory as

Dave :)

Seen it. It's not that interesting. Geogie Parker couldn't control
Then again.... 8)

Aha. And we all watched "Baywatch" for it's gripping content. Hmmm, may
rethink choice of words.....

"David L. Jones"
Just saw an ad for a new show on CH9 called "Clever" due to start
Sunday night.

** Err - the show has been on air for the last two Sundays.

Looks like a Mythbusters/Brainiac style show with a bit of Guiness
World Records thown in.

** It is not really like any of those .

"How to beat a speed camera while doing 300km/h" is one of the gems.
What are the odds it's be a total shocker?

** It's better than the mindless "Brainiac".

......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
Looks like a Mythbusters/Brainiac style show with a bit of Guiness
World Records thown in.

** It is not really like any of those .
Almost all the stunts have been taken directly from Brainiac so far. Blowing
up caravans with static electricity, and walking on custard are just two

** It's better than the mindless "Brainiac".
Far worse IMO. Both have exactly the same crappy experiments. However the
stupid game format adds nothing at all in "Clever", but the Brainiac girls
provided the only reason to watch either show :) I certainly won't be
watching any more episodes of "Clever".
(Should be renamed "Stupid", but I guess it's the aussie joke of calling
something the opposite.)

Mr.T wrote:
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
Looks like a Mythbusters/Brainiac style show with a bit of Guiness
World Records thown in.

** It is not really like any of those .

Almost all the stunts have been taken directly from Brainiac so far. Blowing
up caravans with static electricity, and walking on custard are just two
In that case it is a direct ripoff, I have seen both of those stunts on
That's seriously lame.

** It's better than the mindless "Brainiac".

Far worse IMO. Both have exactly the same crappy experiments. However the
stupid game format adds nothing at all in "Clever", but the Brainiac girls
provided the only reason to watch either show :)
It made me watch a few times but the novelty wore off :->
Brainiac was seriously bad.

Mythbusters is still compulsive viewing. Even if they get it
technically wrong sometimes, the characters are great fun, and the
stuff they build is cool.
Where do I get one of Adams "I do all my owns stunts" T-Shirts?

Dave :)
"David L. Jones"

In that case it is a direct ripoff,

** Very stupid to take what T wrote literally and without proof - like

Mythbusters is still compulsive viewing. Even if they get it
technically wrong sometimes, the characters are great fun, and the
stuff they build is cool.
Where do I get one of Adams "I do all my owns stunts" T-Shirts?

** MB is unique - and Aussie produced too.

.......... Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
"David L. Jones"
In that case it is a direct ripoff,

** Very stupid to take what T wrote literally and without proof - like
You have proof to the contrary of course! (NOT)

What I said is quite true, as you would well know if you had actually
watched the shows.

"Phil Allison"
"David L. Jones"

In that case it is a direct ripoff,

** Very stupid to take what T wrote literally and without proof - like

You have proof to the contrary of course! (NOT)

** Blatant non sequitur.

What I said is quite true,

** It was self opinionated crap.

as you would well know if you had actually
watched the shows.

** More self opinionated crap plus logical fallacies en parade.

.......... Phil
"David L. Jones"


** Very stupid to take what T wrote literally and without proof - like

I have no reason to doubt him,

** You equally have NO reason, whatsoever, to blindly believe his words are
literally true.

so I'll happily take his word for it thanks.

** Makes you a dumb as dog shit, pig ignorant ass.

Heeee - haaawww ...

If it worries you so much Phil, how about you confirm or deny it had
those segments? You've seen it, right?

** I have seen the all three shows and the items mentioned.

While YOU fucking well have **NOT** .

Not that it makes any difference to a brain dead, autistic cunt like YOU -

Jim Rowe WARNED me you a were a complete weirdo and a demented compewter

He was bang on.

......... Phil
Here we go again .... just like a kids toy - wind him up and off he

"Alan Scumbag Rutlidge"

If it's the Jim Rowe I assume you are referring to,
** The long time staff member and later editor of Electronics Australia

The same man who published many "letters to the editor", devoted a whole
Forum plus follow up and nine individual project articles from me.

That Jim Rowe.

The one who resigned in disgust when the magazine was turned into a rag
called EAT.

........ Phil
"David L. Jones"
Yeah, Phil is showing off again because *the* Jim Rowe talked to him on
the phone a couple of times.

** Far more than a couple of time and more than a few times in his office at
EA magazine.

** Like any brainless hee- hawing ass.

........ Phil
"Phil Allison" <> wrote in message
What I said is quite true,

** It was self opinionated crap.
How can a simple statement of fact be "self opinionated crap"?
(I expect you to give me a definitive answer here, since you are the number
one usenet practicing expert on "self opinionated crap")

For the record then, are *YOU* saying that blowing up a caravan with static
electricity, and walking on custard did *NOT* appear on both shows?
How much money are you willing to put on it, or are you just flapping your
gums as usual?

Phil Allison wrote:
"Alan Scumbag Rutlidge"

If it's the Jim Rowe I assume you are referring to,

** The long time staff member and later editor of Electronics Australia

The same man who published many "letters to the editor", devoted a whole
Forum plus follow up and nine individual project articles from me.

That Jim Rowe.

The one who resigned in disgust when the magazine was turned into a rag
called EAT.
Then of course there is Leo's famous Silicon Chip editorial about
aus.electronics and a certain person we all know!

Dave :)
Andy wrote:
Here we go again .... just like a kids toy - wind him up and off he
It only takes quater turn too :->

Dave :)
"Clifford Heath" <> wrote in message
David L. Jones wrote:
Just saw an ad for a new show on CH9 called "Clever" due to start

A complete wash, as expected. What a waste of half an
hour, and an opportunity to have done a worthwhile show.
Actually, it is a waste of a full hour. I endured the first installment, but
felt so unclean after watching it that I won't risk it again.


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