Cleaning old DIN connector sockets



A whole rank of 8 of them on the rear of a first year of production, 1983,
Audiolab 8000A. I would normally just push needles each side of the split
pins but as this is presumably potentially quite a valuable amp, even if
blown up at the moment, any tips for more considered treatment. ? No broken
pins just 1/4 century of corrosion and springy tiredness.

Diverse Devices, Southampton, England
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Another pointer ;-) to this amp being in the first 40 is the pots are
splined but the knob recesses plain round, relying (or not in one case) on
the splines forming enough graunched plastic to hold.
N_Cook wrote:
Another pointer ;-) to this amp being in the first 40 is the pots are
splined but the knob recesses plain round, relying (or not in one case) on
the splines forming enough graunched plastic to hold.

Duuno if you spotted this, but CPC in Preston have started stocking
several makes of replacement pots including the Alps subminiature ones
and the TT short splined shaft. There are also Bourns guitar pots with
both long and short bush.
You'll find them in the current 'Sounds and FX' brochure, next to last page.


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