cleaning contacts


Djordje Dragic

What is better for cleaning computer chip&socket contacts: isopropyl
alcohol or Kontakt 60 spray? (Some people told me alcohol is great for
cleaning PCBs.)

What is better for cleaning computer chip&socket contacts: isopropyl
alcohol or Kontakt 60 spray? (Some people told me alcohol is great
for cleaning PCBs.)
For cleaning (= wash off grease, dust etc), yes, but isopropanol won't
remove any oxide from contacts.

Kontakt 60 is for the crude stuff, i.e. "well visible" oxidation.
After treatment with K60 & waiting a day, you may want to wash the
residues off with Kontakt WL (cleaning solution, AFAIK mostly
composed of isopropanol and similar alcohols).

Kontakt _61_ is probably what you want - against minor oxidation or
for preventive maintenance. Can be left in the device. I've used it
for years with good success.

Cheers + HTH,

- Joerg

joerg dot hau at swissonline dot ch * Lausanne, Switzerland
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On Tue, 20 Jan 2004 13:28:40 +0100, Joerg Hau
<> wrote:


What is better for cleaning computer chip&socket contacts: isopropyl
alcohol or Kontakt 60 spray? (Some people told me alcohol is great
for cleaning PCBs.)

For cleaning (= wash off grease, dust etc), yes, but isopropanol won't
remove any oxide from contacts.

Kontakt 60 is for the crude stuff, i.e. "well visible" oxidation.
After treatment with K60 & waiting a day, you may want to wash the
residues off with Kontakt WL (cleaning solution, AFAIK mostly
composed of isopropanol and similar alcohols).
Could you tell me if Kontakt WL MUST be used after Kontakt 60?
Does Kontakt 60 "eat" metal?

Kontakt _61_ is probably what you want - against minor oxidation or
for preventive maintenance. Can be left in the device. I've used it
for years with good success.

I'll try to find that, thanks.

Kontakt 60 is for the crude stuff, i.e. "well visible" oxidation.
After treatment with K60 & waiting a day, you may want to wash the
residues off with Kontakt WL (cleaning solution, AFAIK mostly
composed of isopropanol and similar alcohols).

Could you tell me if Kontakt WL MUST be used after Kontakt 60?
Does Kontakt 60 "eat" metal?
Hmmm ... the "usual sequence" is K60, then WL, then K61. A washing
step in between makes sense; you may want to remove the "crud"
dissolved by K60 somehow. However, (1) the instructions on the K60
bottle do not mention this step explicitly, and (2) any compatible
solvent like Isopropanol should IMHO do.

As for the corrosion, according to an old app note there may be some
corrosion problems if you omit to remove excess K60. From that, I
_think_ K60 is aggressive, while K61 is more of a protection fluid.

Cheers + HTH,

- Joerg

joerg dot hau at swissonline dot ch * Lausanne, Switzerland CHANGED
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