clean cubes


John Larkin

Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?

A dismal 40kc. ;)


"John Larkin" <> wrote in message
Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?

On a sunny day (Sun, 09 May 2004 13:11:42 -0700) it happened John Larkin
<> wrote in

Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?

You mean the fastest?
I have some application that does not have a main routine, but only interrupt.
Something like 10% below the interupt latency (on a PIC).
Would have to look up exact timing.
"John Larkin" <> schreef in
Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?
I don't know, but I did a DDS loop with a 32bit accumulator including
table lookup for loading a DAC, looping around at 1.73Mhz. That was the
only thing the uC did, except waiting for a possible interrupt to reload
a new value to add, triggered by an 'operator' event. The loop took
10.5 instructions, it did twice the same thing in 21 single cycle
instructions. I used a 18.1818MHz slightly overclocked Atmel 8515.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
"John Larkin" <> wrote in
Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?
Anybody in last place yet? I've done 120Hz, but used the internal timer
to chop that up into 16 sample intervals.

well, I once did one that spent 4/4.096 of the time in the interupt routine

John Larkin wrote:
Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?

In message <>, John Larkin
<> writes
Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?
100kHz on a 100MHz PSC1000 for waveform generation, analog filtering and
PID control loop. Stack machines can have low interrupt latency cos
everything's already stacked.

Keith Wootten
Rich, I can beat you,well slower...
24 Hz ! Yup, Custom remote energy controller.
24 Bits per second,over solid copper wire,for about 25 miles round trip.
Speed, obviously, wasn't the issue, data reliability was. Also impervious to
any hackers younger than 60 years old!
John Larkin wrote:

Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.
Damn. We're discussing ice cubes and uP interrupts. I was so hoping for
a discussion on raising integers (cf. with mixed numbers) to the third
On a sunny day (Mon, 10 May 2004 10:38:59 +0100) it happened Keith Wootten
<> wrote in <>:

In message <>, John Larkin> writes

Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?

100kHz on a 100MHz PSC1000 for waveform generation, analog filtering and
PID control loop. Stack machines can have low interrupt latency cos
everything's already stacked.

Keith Wootten
OK you are fast, bu this morning i remembered I did that m*cro-v*sion
remover in a PIC 12F629, where I use the build in comparator as sync
seaparator, and the interrupt triggers 15625 times a second (each H)
on a 4MHz internal RC clock.
so scaling to your processor would give 100 / 4 = 25 x 15625 = 390kHz ;-)
In fact I used the 'in interrupt routine time' to skip the double H pulses.
The code is on the net somewhere, else
Usage of this device may be illegal where you are.
And Sam will behead you and not add this to his list of pic soft?
On a sunny day (Mon, 10 May 2004 17:50:02 GMT) it happened Brad Albing
<itza.secret@none-of.yer-bidness> wrote in

John Larkin wrote:

Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Damn. We're discussing ice cubes and uP interrupts. I was so hoping for
a discussion on raising integers (cf. with mixed numbers) to the third

That reminds me to write a warning for calculators.
We all (likely) use calculators a lot, and you sort of trust these give
the correct answer.
Not so my CASIO fx82TL.
I was doing some video editing, and that involved very precise audio cutting
(to the sampe), and for that I had to calculate some times to samples at 48000
samples/s (plus 16 bits per byte etc).
So I used the Casio, and, since it takes hours to run the final rendering
script, did a check if the simple multiplication 48 x millisecond done in
reverse (samples / milliseconds) would give me back 48 again.
Not so.
So first I thought 'typo' did the whole thing back and forward again.
Not 48, but something like 47.894854783 ALERT!
After I switched the Casio off and back on again it was 48 however.
So makes we wonder what else screwed up (that I did not double check).
So third power? Use pencil and paper ;-)!
"John Larkin" <> a écrit dans
le message news:
Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?
100kHz on a 8MHz Atmel AT8515.
The interrupt was for the step generation of a fast X-Y interpolating
microstepping (32 microsteps) controler.
The main loop took care of the communication protocol through SPI.

On Mon, 10 May 2004 21:30:47 +0200, "Fred Bartoli"
<fred._canxxxel_this_bartoli@RemoveThatAlso_free.fr_AndThisToo> wrote:

"John Larkin" <> a écrit dans
le message news:

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?

100kHz on a 8MHz Atmel AT8515.
The interrupt was for the step generation of a fast X-Y interpolating
microstepping (32 microsteps) controler.
The main loop took care of the communication protocol through SPI.

I did a similar thing on a 68332. Each IRQ ran four motor daemons,
each handling accel/decel/microstep/limit switch stuff, directly
outputting settings to sin/cos motor current winding dacs (rather than
pulses to a driver). The foreground task did supervision and comm
stuff. This only interrupted at 4KHz, so ran 16K motor daemon thingies
per second.

Motion control is great fun, but not very lucrative... too much
competition, and most of the stuff is very cheap.

"Frank Bemelman" <> wrote in message
"John Larkin" <> schreef in

Always wash your ice cubes just before you use them. It takes away the
funny freezer taste, and reduces the thermal shock that de-fizzes Coke
and stuff.

Not to change the subject, but what's the maximum periodic interrupt
rate anybody has ever used in an embedded uP application?

I don't know, but I did a DDS loop with a 32bit accumulator including
table lookup for loading a DAC, looping around at 1.73Mhz. That was the
only thing the uC did, except waiting for a possible interrupt to reload
a new value to add, triggered by an 'operator' event. The loop took
10.5 instructions, it did twice the same thing in 21 single cycle
instructions. I used a 18.1818MHz slightly overclocked Atmel 8515.

Thanks, Frank.
(remove 'x' and 'invalid' when replying by email)
Way to go Frank! Luckily there are no laws against slavery in electronics.

Regards, Terry

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